All It Takes Is One Step

“Be quiet! Come out of him!”

I am distracted. I wake up with notifications on my phone. Thoughts about work immediately rush into my head as I pour my coffee. A load of emails greet me as soon as my computer is turned on.

Every single person can relate to getting distracted—we live in the distraction age. Before we know it, even Daily Mass can become an empty habit. The rosary loses it’s luster, and we start it only to end it. Our minds glide freely as we bounce from one distraction to the next.

If Jesus came tomorrow I would be horrified. “I’m not ready! I thought I had more time!” It reminds me of my homeschooling days when my mom and dad would come back from their date early, only to find that the house was nowhere close to being cleaned. My siblings and I would panic, throwing all we could into a closet while trying to brainstorm excuses.

The reading today is a wake up call. What spirits or addictions have taken a hold of you? Today is the day you can make a step towards sainthood. It doesn’t have to be dramatic! Take one step in the direction of discipline. Just start with one:

  • No texting in bed
  • Jump out of bed as soon as you alarm goes off
  • No Netflix during the weekdays
  • No alcohol during the week
  • Delete the Facebook App off your phone

Once you’ve cleared your mind and opened up your schedule a bit, the next step is to fill it with something meaningful. One of the most powerful things you can do (I promise you you will hate it at first) is spend 15 minutes in silence in the morning. Instead of hitting snooze, sit on the couch and give God the most deliberate 15 minutes you’ve ever given him. Let him change you. Let him talk to you.

Once you’ve done that for a week or two, add in another thing.

  • Read the Daily Readings (the Holy Word of God) first thing when you wake up
  • Attend Daily Mass once a week
  • Pray an evening Rosary with your family
  • Increase your silent time to 30 minutes
  • Attend Adoration once a week
  • Read “The Art of Loving God” by St. Francis de Sales

Every day should be one step closer to our Lord. If we aren’t moving closer, we’re moving farther away. There is no “status quo.” The unclean spirits are always working on us, it’s always urging us towards complacency—towards sleep.

We must urge each other towards holiness! Find a friend who will keep you accountable or ask your spouse to keep you honest in your efforts of purification.

If you first thought is that you can do it on your own, that’s okay. We call that pride. That’s a tricky one.

Here’s a template for you:

“Hey _________, I read a mediocre article that encouraged me to give up ___________. I want you to keep me accountable, because I want to take my faith to the next level. Is there anything I can help YOU with?”

If we aren’t struggling in some way, chances are we’re not growing. I’m sorry to say it, but it’s through suffering that we become Saints. Saint’s don’t let themselves be ruled by comfort and pleasure.

I’m praying for you! We’re in the good fight together.

Contact the author

Patrick produces YouTube content for young Catholics on Catholic Late Night and Overt TV. He loves using humor to share the Truth of the Catholic faith with anyone who will listen. He currently resides in Chattanooga, TN and is a parishioner at The Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul. Patrick graduated from Franciscan University of Steubenville with a degree in Communication Arts and a minor in Marketing.