Extraordinary Giveaway

The Church calendar says “Ordinary Time,” but we would like to do something out of the ordinary.

Starting today, through July 31, 2016 all NEW subscribers to our Living the Good News blog will be entered into our “Ordinary Time, Extraordinary Giveaway!”

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1 – Catholicism #NotJustForSunday t-shirt
1 – I’m Not Texting. I’m Praying t-shirt
1 – Limited edition Pope Francis t-shirt
Assorted Selection of Prayer Cards
Assorted Selection of Bookmarks

Giveaway Items

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Recent Posts from Living the Good News

I Have Seen The Lord / He Visto al Señor

Click here for daily readings Love drives us beyond our “selfwardness”, beyond our narrow vision, beyond our comfort zone, even beyond our natural limits, to desire, to seek, to do more than is necessary. Love for the Lord springs from our confidence that we are loved by the Lord, and prompts us to ask so

Tend the Flock / Cuidar el Rebaño

Click here for daily readings In today's first reading from Jeremiah we hear the Lord in agony over the shepherds he has called to tend to his flock. Jeremiah shares God’s words: "You have scattered my sheep and driven them away. You have not cared for them, but I will take care to punish your

Alive in Christ / Vivo en Cristo

Click here for daily readings **This reflection has been reposted from Diocesan Archives.** “Are you alive in Christ?” There was a decently loud response from the crowd, a rumbling of “Yes.”  Fr. Agustino Torres wasn’t satisfied with that response, though, and so he asked again, even louder this time, “Are you alive in Christ?” A

In Our Place / Quedarnos en Nuestro Lugar

Click here for daily readings Our readings today seem a little disjointed, while at the same time having some similarities. In our first reading from Isaiah we have Hezekiah, a descendent of David and king of Judah, suffering from an illness. In our Gospel from Matthew, we have Jesus and his disciples walking through a

Will You Come to Me? / ¿Vendrás a Mí?

Click here for daily readings “Come to me.” The words of a lover. Powerless words. Vulnerable words. The one who says them must wait upon the response of the one to whom they are addressed. “Will you come to me?” The loved one must answer “yes” or “no”. If they answer “yes” then the love

Vocation and Freedom / Vocación y Libertad

Click here for daily readings We must have complete freedom to follow Christ.  I’ve had a deep love for our Lord from a very young age when our home was only half a block away from our family Church. I was a dedicated altar server. If the priest or nun asked me to help with

Woe To You? / ¿Ay de ti?

Click here for daily readings God has an awesome plan for humanity – a plan of rescue and radiance for each one of us and all of us. It began in the Garden of Eden and is woven throughout the whole history of the world, from Adam and Noah and Moses and Abraham and David,

Love in Heart and Deed / Amar de Corazón y de Obra

Click here for daily reading Jesus explains what is meant by “learn to do good” (Is 1:16) in the Gospel, saying, “Whoever loves father or mother . . . . son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not

Packing List / Lista para Empacado de Maletas

Click here for daily readings Are you an over or under packer? For most of my life, I have been an over-packer. The person who packs both a sweatshirt and a jacket, just in case. Enough socks for every day of the trip knowing the forecast is sandals weather. Slowly, I am working on letting