Living the Good News
Diocesan Publications exists to share the Good News. We serve those who serve: the parishes, parish staffs, the faith communities.
As a Catholic communications company, we take our commitment to the Gospel seriously. We also take the means of sharing the Gospel seriously, whether that’s in a church bulletin, on social media, or person-to-person. It’s important to us that we are faithful, accurate and creative, regardless of how we are sharing God’s Word.
One new way we have of doing this is our recently-launched blog, Living the Good News. It offers short reflections on the Catholic faith, the liturgical year, Scripture, Saints … all the things you know and love (or want to learn!) about the Universal Church.
We’d welcome the opportunity to share these short blog posts with you: simply sign up, via email. We don’t share your email with any other organization or company. It’s also a great way to share the faith with family and friends – simply forward the email and let them know about our blog.
Let us go and share the Good News of Jesus Christ!