Extraordinary Giveaway

The Church calendar says “Ordinary Time,” but we would like to do something out of the ordinary.

Starting today, through July 31, 2016 all NEW subscribers to our Living the Good News blog will be entered into our “Ordinary Time, Extraordinary Giveaway!”

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1 – Catholicism #NotJustForSunday t-shirt
1 – I’m Not Texting. I’m Praying t-shirt
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Assorted Selection of Prayer Cards
Assorted Selection of Bookmarks

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Recent Posts from Living the Good News

Ask Boldly / Pide con valentía

Click here for daily readings A royal official, a high-ranking Roman army soldier who had been trained to emulate confidence and persuasion, went up to Jesus and asked Him to heal his son. Would we dare go to Jesus and ask Him boldly to do a miracle? This royal official had most likely been hanging

God’s Merciful Embrace / El abrazo misericordioso de Dios

Click here for daily readings I find myself struggling to sit with this parable. As if silence and stillness aren’t difficult enough, the parable is too familiar and my interest wanes. Moreover, my soul is anxious at the thought that God might actually speak truth into my life. I’ll be honest, it terrifies me. Yet,

Prayer in the Midst of Suffering / La Oración en medio del sufrimiento

Click here for daily readings “God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer.” - St. Mother Teresa How is it possible that I always find it such a struggle to pray?  While the Catholic Church offers some fundamental prayers as examples, what is most important is that we express

Called to be Missionaries / Llamados a ser misioneros

Click here for daily readings As I continue to navigate through this life, where God often writes straight with crooked lines, I never cease to see His loving hands at work. Lately, I have noticed Him blessing us by providing for our needs. An unexpected reimbursement check from our insurance company, a friend who offered

Give Me a Sign / Dame una señal

Click here for daily readings You might wonder where in the world these guys talking to the Lord came from in today's Gospel. They are standing right there in front of Jesus and witnessed Him healing a mute man. The Gospel says, “they were amazed” and in the next breath says they “asked him for

Freedom’s Fence / La valla de la libertad

Click here for daily readings Thousands of years of salvation history were fulfilled with the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ. The long-awaited Messiah had come. So that’s it? Show’s over? Hardly. The arrival of our Savior ushered in the last chapter of salvation history where all that was promised to God’s chosen people was fulfilled

The Word Became Flesh / El Verbo se hizo carne

Click here for daily readings Today we bow down before a great mystery: the Incarnation. The simple words of the Gospel convey a Truth that would be unbelievable if it were not revealed to us so clearly. This mysterious truth is that the omnipotent, infinite God leapt down from the heavenly throne (Wisdom 18:15) and

Unexpected Courage in Humility / La valentía inesperado dentro de la humildad

Click here for daily readings Going home isn’t always easy. Early in His public ministry, Jesus returns to Nazareth. Word of His wonders has begun to spread and even whispers of “Messiah.” Could this really be the one? Joseph’s boy? Imagine if a kid you grew up with turned out to be the savior of

Healing Relationships / Sanar las relaciones interpersonales

Click here for daily readings In today’s Gospel from Luke Jesus preaches the parable of the barren fig tree. The tree has borne no fruit for three years, so he tells the gardener to get rid of the tree. But the gardener tells the person that they need to put time and effort into taking