Extraordinary Giveaway

The Church calendar says “Ordinary Time,” but we would like to do something out of the ordinary.

Starting today, through July 31, 2016 all NEW subscribers to our Living the Good News blog will be entered into our “Ordinary Time, Extraordinary Giveaway!”

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$25 Visa Gift Card
1 – Catholicism #NotJustForSunday t-shirt
1 – I’m Not Texting. I’m Praying t-shirt
1 – Limited edition Pope Francis t-shirt
Assorted Selection of Prayer Cards
Assorted Selection of Bookmarks

Giveaway Items

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Recent Posts from Living the Good News

The Chair of Saint Peter / La Cátedra de San Pedro

Click here for daily readings Have you seen the actual wooden chair in Rome (now enclosed in a sculpted bronze casing) that some believe was used by St. Peter, the first pope? While we do not know for certain that he sat on it, this chair represents the unbroken succession of popes over the past

Living for Jesus / Vivir para Jesús

Click here for daily readings We live in a post-Christian world. We live in a world that is turning its back on Jesus Christ and his message of love and salvation, a world that denies the supernatural Truth of God. Similar to those in the first reading who said “Come, let us build ourselves a

This Little Light of Mine / Esta lucecita mía

Click here for daily readings My husband has an interesting fascination with lighthouses. As an amateur photographer, he is always on the lookout for unique shots and locations. While away on a work trip recently, he visited 3 different lighthouses in a single weekend. As he shared the pictures he took with us, it occurred

Trusting to Let Go / Abandonarnos a la voluntad de Dios

Click here for daily readings I was at a low point of my life, when I realized I wasn’t going to be able to make the team for soccer in college. I felt like I lost my identity. I felt as if I had wasted all the years I spent trying to build myself to

Are You Listening? / ¿Estás escuchando?

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The Search For a Sign / Buscando una señal

Click here for daily readings “Why does this generation seek a sign? Amen, I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation.” Jesus speaks these words to the Pharisees today’s Gospel and we might be tempted to reply, “Harsh words, Lord!” True, here Jesus does not sound quite like the beacon of

Blessing in Disguise / Las bendiciones inesperadas

Click here for daily readings Years ago my sister was very bold in witnessing about her faith in God. I remember thinking she was really out there – had crossed an invisible line – and it was not good. My other siblings and I criticized her for going too far. At the time, I was

Offering Our Meager Offerings / Ofreciendo nuestras escasas ofrendas

Click here for daily readings The Lord provides. In every instance and circumstance, the abundance of God is not exhausted or strained. He is able to address, fill, and even overfill, our meager needs because nothing is difficult for Him. He doesn’t run out of resources or energy or desire. Jesus demonstrates the mysterious abundance

Be Opened! / ¡Ábrete!

Click here for daily readings As St. Ignatius of Loyola would teach, in meditation, quietly place yourself in a scene of the Bible like The Healing of a Deaf Man. Am I someone who would help guide that deaf man to where Jesus stood? Wouldn’t that be an example of true discipleship? I would like