Extraordinary Giveaway

The Church calendar says “Ordinary Time,” but we would like to do something out of the ordinary.

Starting today, through July 31, 2016 all NEW subscribers to our Living the Good News blog will be entered into our “Ordinary Time, Extraordinary Giveaway!”

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1 – Catholicism #NotJustForSunday t-shirt
1 – I’m Not Texting. I’m Praying t-shirt
1 – Limited edition Pope Francis t-shirt
Assorted Selection of Prayer Cards
Assorted Selection of Bookmarks

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Recent Posts from Living the Good News

St. JPII and Vigilance / San Juan Pablo II y la Vigilancia

Click here for daily readings Today is the feast day of one of our great modern saints, so great that many are already calling him Pope Saint John Paul II the Great! I was blessed to grow up with him in office, blessed to participate in two World Youth Day celebrations where he was present

Discerning What We Store / Discernir lo que Guardamos

Click here for daily readings The seasons continue to change and turn. As the fall and winter holidays begin to dominate the secular scene, Catholics take a rather different approach to their arrival. In our Gospel, Jesus challenges the crowd to consider how focused they are on material items. When they have something they value,

The Problem of Evil / El Problema del Mal

Click here for daily readings The problem of evil is a tough one. When we look around the world we see so much suffering, pain and sin, and it is natural to ask the question, “Why?” For thousands of years the problem of evil has plagued even the best of theologians. Today's first reading starts

Badly or Boldly? / ¿Mal Hecho o Hecho con Valentía?

Click here for daily readings Do we speak the truth of our faith badly or boldly? In today’s readings, it is about being bold, about relying on the Holy Spirit. Way back in May, we celebrated the feast of Pentecost at the end of the Easter season. We have been in Ordinary Time since then,

Saint Luke / San Lucas

Click here for daily readings Why 72 disciples? Biblical numbers always have significance. Genesis describes the division of the non-Jewish world into 70 nations. Moses was directed to bring 70 elders to the door of the Tabernacle so they could receive the spirit and be his assistants. The Sanhedrin (the ruling body of Israel) was

Plans, Monuments and Keys / Planes, Monumentos y Llaves

Click here for daily readings If you scroll down to the “About the Author” section at the bottom of this reflection, you’ll see I call myself “a regular guy.” I have not been ordained nor have I professed any religious vows. I do not have a theology or divinity degree. I went to college 41

Woe is Me! / ¡Ay de Mí!

Click here for daily readings In today’s Gospel passage Jesus confronts the Pharisees and experts of the law with a series of woes, highlighting their hypocrisy and neglect of justice and love.  One of the woes states “Woe to you Pharisees, because you love the most important seats in the synagogues and respectful greetings in

Cleaning The Outside Isn’t Enough / Limpiar el Exterior no es Suficiente

Click here for daily readings ** This reflection was reposted from Diocesan archives. ** Have you ever seen a surgical team scrub up before an operation? It puts mere handwashing to shame! It’s a good thing, of course, that the team puts so much effort in, and there’s an excellent reason for its rigid cleansing

Am I Serving God? / ¿Estoy Sirviendo a Dios?

Click here for daily readings This Gospel passage hints at one question we should all be asking ourselves: Am I serving God? This question guided Pope Saint John Paul II, as can be seen through his meditations and reflections handwritten in his personal diaries between 1962 and two hours before his death. (These are available