Celebrating Easter

8 Ways To Keep Celebrating Easter

While the stores have slashed prices on jelly beans, and removed Easter bunny decorations in favor of Mother’s Day, the Catholic Church keeps right on celebrating Easter.

  1. Make an “Alleluia” banner as a family, and hang it prominently in your home. It’s a great reminder that we are in a season of joy.
  2. If you didn’t get around to decorating eggs over the holiday weekend, do it now! Less stress, no hurry, and Easter eggs are a great way to have a discussion with kids about death and resurrection.
  3. Take time to re-visit your Lenten penance. What did you learn from it? How did it help your prayer life, your spiritual life? If it’s something you still struggle with, consider continuing it, even once a week.
  4. Another great family activity (perfect for spring) is to plant a Marian garden. It’s a beautiful and very visible way to put your faith “front and center” at your home.
  5. What about creating a prayer space in your home? It need not be elaborate, but having a quiet corner with a candle, some prayer books, a statue can help you and your family find some space to make prayer a part of your home life every day.
  6. One of the great parts of Easter is sharing a meal with family and friends. The feast – even though it is in our homes – truly is an extension of the celebration of Mass. The Body of Christ is sent forth from Mass to take our faith into the world. Look around: is there someone in your life who could use a little feasting? A homemade meal? Even just a visit? Now is the time!
  7. Many cultures include bread-making as part of the Easter tradition. Have some fun with the family and  make fresh bread.
  8. Do you have a crucifix displayed prominently in your home? If not, pick one out online or at a Catholic book store, and then ask your priest to bless it after Mass (it only takes a minute.) Then, as a family, choose where you will display it.

One of the great things about being Catholic is that we have so many celebrations of different aspects of our faith. Enjoy the 50 days of Easter!