Where Do You Put Your Faith?

We tend to think that material wealth can solve all of our problems, but the trials of everyday life are not resolved with money. In order to build lasting spiritual fortitude to weather the storms of life, we need God. We have to realize that money isn’t everything. 

Naaman thought that money could cure him of his infirmity. That makes me question what kind of god he put his faith in. The God of money or the one true God? We shouldn’t hold onto money as if it were everything. We need God in our lives and we should thirst for our Creator every single day.

A few days ago, I lost my dad. The doctors did everything they could to save him but God had a path for him. I had no choice but to accept the will of God. I never lost faith. In this situation, money wouldn’t have helped anything. Life continues on with God at my side in every moment.

What are the things you continue to hold onto? What could God be calling you to let go of this Lent? Are you holding on to money, possessions, control, negativity, heartache or a grudge? Are you holding on to the health of yourself or a loved one and refusing to accept a diagnosis? What would it take for you to truly let go in order to hold fast to the God who loves you?

God is the only one that can solve all of life’s quandaries. Will you let Him?

Contact the author

Felix Urcia was born in Lima, Peru. He emigrated the U.S. to complete his college degree in Computer Science at Northern Kentucky University. He is passionate about his faith, his family, education and soccer. When he is not homeschooling and caring for his young children he enjoys personal programing projects and participating in a biweekly soccer talk show. He and wife live in a small town in Western Michigan where they enjoy spending time outdoors with their boys.

Feature Image Credit: Priscilla Du Preez, https://unsplash.com/photos/9R8tERq66HU