The most important part of the ReFresh newsletter is YOU. We want to know what your department is doing. What does day-to-day work look like for you? Is your department developing new products and/or services? Are the people in your department finding new ways to do the work you’ve been doing? Are there new people in your department? While this may seem like “old news” to you, remember that there are many in our company who don’t know this, and we want to keep everyone up-to-date on Diocesan Trinity Publication’s work and staff.

Occasionally, we’d also like to focus on individuals in our company: let us know about that person in your department who goes the extra mile, whose work really shines, or volunteers their time outside the office for a worthy cause.

Please share your news with the Marketing Department at You can also use the “Suggest Story” button below; we need to hear what you have to say about the work of each and every department in the Diocesan Trinity Publications organization. Don’t worry: you don’t have to write the story; we’ll get in touch with you and take it from there.

Enjoy this first ReFresh, and we invite you to share great company news in 2017!