Camino Update 12-28-21

~ The Latest and Greatest ~


  • Vietnamese and Korean characters are now supported in name, place, address and notes fields.
  • A sacrament summary page has been added. This page shows the sacrament name, date and place.
  • Parent names have been added to the Confirmation Sacraments page.
  • On the baptism or confirmation screen, when mother’s name is chosen from the dropdown list, the mother’s maiden name will populate from the mother’s member screen.
  • When entering father and mother on the baptism or confirmation page, the Head and Co-head of the household will appear first in the dropdown list.
  • Next of Kin has been added to the Funeral Sacraments page.
  • Occupation and Employer have been added to the member screen. These fields are free text fields and we still recommend using talents to keep track of common occupations.
  • Work email address has been added to the member screen.
  • The relation of Spouse was limited to the member type of Co-Head. Spouse is now also available for the member types of Adult and Other.
  • A new right has been added that allows users to edit contributions over a year old. This right is not automatically assigned to any role, so if needed make sure to add this new right to roles where it is needed.
  • Do not forget about the Camino Knowledge Base. The knowledge base contains articles that can help answer questions you may have about Camino

Questions? Give us a call!

Or simply reply to this message.


Camino Release Notes 10/30/21


New in Camino:

  • A new right is now available to be assigned to roles. This right allows a role to view and input pledges toward Formation only funds.
  • Improvements have been made to the criteria section of reports. Now when you select a field, for example, Fund Number, a dropdown list of your funds is now available to be chosen.
  • For parishes who use pledges: A summary of the Total Paid and Balance remaining towards a pledge is now available under a Household. To find this new feature go into a household. Go to the pledges tab for the household. Click on the pledge you wish to view. You will see a recap on the right side of your screen.
  • New fields have been added to the “Members” report type. Sacrament Place Names formal (ex. Baptism Place Formal) These fields are intended for Certificates and letters so that instead of St Mary, Boston it will say St Mary Catholic Parish.
  • When attempting to add a Catechist to a class in Formation and that member is not in the dropdown list, an error appears. The error message has been changed to include what action must be taken to fix the error.
  • Do not forget about the Camino Knowledge Base. The knowledge base contains articles that can help answer questions you may have about Camino

Camino Release Notes 1-27-22


  • A major change has been made in how sacrament places are entered. We have integrated with Discover Mass which will allow for a quick search of any parish in the United States to be added as a sacrament place. For your convenience, a video overview of the new feature is at the bottom of this message
  • A phone number mask has been added. This will automatically format a phone number as you type it in. The mask has also been added to the Formation Online Registration form
  • 3 new sections has been added under Administration>Lists
    • Common Cities – This list will create a dropdown to choose from when entering addresses (City name only, do not include State) ex. Chicago
    • Common Places of Birth – This list will create a dropdown to choose from on the Baptism screen (City and State for this list) ex. Chicago, IL
    • Non-Member Clergy – This list will create a dropdown for the celebrant field for any sacrament (Intended for clergy that do not belong to the parish or the diocese)
  • Camino now remembers the last envelope number assigned by your parish. This means when entering a new envelope number the first option in the dropdown list will be the next available number after the last number assigned. For example, if the last envelope number assigned was 301, the dropdown list would be 302, 1, 2, 3
  • When searching for a household, you can now search for the preferred name of the Co-Head and Head of Household
  • When adding a new member to a household the last name of the household will auto-fill into the member’s last name. This can be changed if need be
  • When adding a new household, Camino will now find partial matches in the first name field if the last name is an exact match
  • Do not forget about the Camino Knowledge Base. The Knowledge Base contains articles that can help answer questions you may have about Camino

If there are any questions about Camino or its new features call us at 1 (800) 994-9817 or email us at

A PDF version of the notes can be found by clicking the button below


Camino Release Notes 8/31/21


  • New Household and Member Audit Report types are now available. These report types allow administrators to see what changes have been made and by whom
  • Formation Online Registration
    • Mobile responsiveness has been improved
    • Spanish translation is now available on the online registration form
    • New fields have been added to the form including household information. These fields do not overwrite what is in Camino. The fields can be found when using the report type “Formation – Online Registrations”
  • Preferred name is now used on the Formation Attendance sheet if the member record contains a preferred name
  • A new field has been added to the household screen. The new field “Custom Mailing Name” allows you to customize the mailing name for a household. The field will automatically populate with the Formal Mailing Name. From there is can be changed if desired. The fields that pull the “Custom Mailing Name” in the reporting section are “Formal Mailing Name” and “Donor Name Formal”
  • The Camino Knowledge Base has been completed. This contains articles that give little tips on how to do various things in Camino. The link is below

New in Camino

Good morning all,
The Camino Knowledge base has been completed. This contains articles that give little tips on how to do various things in Camino. Here is the link (It is at the bottom of the page).
The Formation Online Registration page has been updated with new fields including household information. These fields can be reported on with a new report type. The report type is called “Formation – Online Registrations”.
If there are any questions, please call support at 1 (800) 994-9817 or email
Best regards,
The Camino Team

Formation Online Registration – Payments

Good morning all,
Camino now has the ability to add a link to the Formation Online Registration page that a user can click after completing the form that will redirect them to a payment site.
After the payment site has been set up with the preferences of your parish, please contact support so that the link to the payment site can be added to your form. 
If there are any questions or if you are ready to have the link added to your form, please email us at or call 1(800) 994-9817.
Best regards,
The Camino Team

Camino Update 6/30/21

New in Camino:

  • We switched over to a new login which will allow for seamless transition to other Diocesan products in the future
  • A new report type has been added called “Formation – Student Classes.” This report is intended for, but not limited to, the creation of Formation certificates as well as emailing from Camino to Formation households
  • Under Import Online Giving – The download report button now gives you the option to choose the report with or without comments
  • When you change the name of a report and save it, the name now updates in the blue area of the screen without having to refresh the screen
  • Improvements to the Formation Online Registration form have been made, including making the form mobile friendly, with more improvements to come
  • Fields overlapping on the household and member screens have been corrected
  • When in the Reports section and then searching for a report on page 3, for example, no results would appear. This issue has been fixed
  • A fund activity can now be marked to not count towards the total paid of a pledge

Camino Update 4/30/21

New in Camino:

  • Formation Online Registration is now available, contact support to get the link to the registration form
  • When a member is marked deceased incorrectly, you can now “Resurrect” them. You will see the “Resurrect” button on the member screen of deceased members. NOTE: To have this ability, add the right of “Resurrect Members marked Deceased” to a role. The Member Type and Relation to Head of Household will be made “Other” and will need to be updated by the user to the appropriate fields
  • Ability to post Sacraments as a Batch. Location: Administration > Procedures > Sacrament Batch   Note: This is also a right that must be added. “Ability to bulk load Sacrament data for large groups” is the name of the right
  • New ‘Listed’ fields for Addresses and Phone numbers have been added
    • Examples include ‘Mailing Address 1 Listed’ or ‘Head Cell Phone Number Listed’
    • These fields are intended for Directories or Guide Books
    • The field pulls, for example, Head Cell Phones that do not have the checkbox ‘Cell Phone is unlisted’ checked on the member screen
  • Formation Attendance Report Enhancement
    • The “Download Attendance Report” button now allows you to choose a blank or filled out version of the report
  • Zip code is no longer required for most countries when adding sacraments. The only two that will require a zip code are the United States and Canada
  • Suffixes have been added to the Member Listing page
  • An Emergency Contact Tab has been added to Formation
  • The members on the Household Members screen are now ordered. The order goes Head, Co-Head, then by age. Deceased members will appear at the bottom

Communicate Like A Professional

Communicating like a professional means to be diligent about regularly creating and delivering quality content to your growing recipient list wherever they are present.

OK, so that is a bit of a mouthful. Let’s simplify this and break it down into specifics.

What does it mean to communicate like a pro?


  1. Create beautiful, inspiring messages that increase engagement
  2. Manage recipient lists and subgroups to better target audiences
  3. Consistently distribute messages across the entire network of people, where they are; Mobile, email, text, web and social media.
  4. Manage responses and interactions
  5. View statistics to better understand the engagement level of readers
  6. Continuously grow contact lists
  7. Spend as little time as possible managing items 1-7.
  8. Repeat. Often.


The tools that you choose will determine how easy or difficult it will be for you to complete the eight steps above and communicate successfully with the most number of people. There are hundreds of programs that focus on one or two of the items listed above. However, with time, resources and budgets being limited in parish offices, a single software solution is the only way to go.

The professionals are great at simplifying processes so they can spend more time creating messages and less time worrying about reaching readers. Now you can do the same.

A Single Source, TIME-SAVING, Solution

One of the biggest hurdles for a parish to communicate effectively comes down to a lack of time.  To create and manage everything takes time! Parish staff is already over-worked and asked to a lot with a little.  Time is one of the most precious commodities for parish staff.

This is where Evangelus shines.

Log in to one program, create one message and hit send once. Evangelus then delivers your message everywhere.

There Is A Group For That

Unlimited groups

Focusing your message to the right people is fundamental to good communication. Create as many groups as you need for every ministry, department, committee, group, and anything else you can think of.

Need help adding a group? Click here for instructions.

Unlimited Administrators

Create as many administrators as you need to help manage your groups and messaging. Admins can access whichever groups you specify. Some may have access to only one group, while key staff members may monitor them all. You decide who has access to what groups.


So, go ahead, put your entire member list in Evangelus and send messages to everyone, everywhere! We have you covered.

Reach More People In More Places

Wide-Range Publishing

The most difficult job for content creators is putting the message in front of readers. The news coming from the parish office faces the same problem. How do you put your message where people will see it?

It’s important to begin this discussion with the clear understanding that it is impossible to reach 100% of your readers. That sounds bad but it is the truth. This is the key to understand that it is vital to expand your reach to as many locations as you can.  Some will recommend to focus on just one or two channels and don’t worry about the rest.

Well, as Catholics, we worry about the rest.

The Old Way

Prior to Evangelus, focusing on one or two channels wasn’t bad advice. It was practical advice because no communication tool existed that made wide-range publishing possible. Not to mention, the parish office doesn’t have the time, staff or resources to manage content across the web, social, email, app and text.

Enter Evangelus

Simplicity is key to wide-range messaging with Evangelus. You begin with a single message. This can be a short text-based message or a beautifully designed newsletter. It’s up to you.

Once your message is complete, Evangelus processes it and automatically formats it properly for text message, email, myParish app, Facebook, Twitter, and a website news feed. If you like what you see, you hit SEND and you’re done. Your message is delivered.

If you would like to make adjustments to one or all the previews, then this is where Evangelus really shines. Simply, modify a channel as you wish and then hit SEND. It will use all modified content in place of the suggested content. Easy as that.


Lastly, to make future publishing a breeze, our template system, saves your content for every channel. Open one template and it’s ready for you to post to every location. Only with Evangelus.

Catholic Through & Through

Personal Experience

Catholic parishes have been relying on Diocesan to help with communication solutions for over 65 years. There is nothing similar to working in a Catholic parish office. You have your own set of unique problems, hurdles, and constraints.

In fact, our staff brings with them invaluable career experience in both diocese and parish offices, including bookkeeping, development, stewardship, youth ministry, IT support, parish business management, bulletin editing, and all the liturgical roles you might expect from Altar Server to Choir Director to Eucharistic Minister.

This experience translates into everything we do.

The Real Culprit

The struggle to communicate effectively stems from a few, very common, core issues found in almost every parish office.  These are:

  • Lack of time
  • Lack of resources
  • Limited budget
  • Staff is overworked
  • Lack of quality tools & software
  • Lack of knowledge when it comes to digital communication.

We know that for your parish to be successful we have to solve those issues first. That is why Evangelus is the first and only wide-range publishing tool that is easy to use, powerful and priced for every parish budget. It helps your parish office do much more with less.


Evangelus is built from scratch specifically for the Catholic Church. You will find that the language is that of the Church. There are liturgical themes and templates ready for you to use. There are security features that disable direct communication with minors. Even our “Eva Assistant” welcomes staff in the way we greet each other at Church.

As Evangelus grows with regular updates, it will continue to reinforce the standards of the Church and bring Christ to your messaging every day.