Swimming Upstream

I think it’s interesting that as a practicing Catholic I am counter-cultural. It’s not a label I expected to be slapped to my shoulders. In today’s Responsorial Psalm I’m reminded why this counter-cultural stamp is true, because in Psalm 19 we read about law, specifically God’s law and this is something that makes people uncomfortable.

We live in a time of your truth, my truth, his truth, and her truth. It’s all good. We each know best. We’re not happy, at peace, or joyful, but we cling to this ideology. But in Psalm 19, we not only acknowledge the goodness and rightness of God’s law, we rejoice in it and celebrate it. The culture that I – and probably you too – seem to be counter to can’t abide by any sort of truth. There cannot be right and wrong because then someone is wrong and that’s not nice. We signal our love for someone by accepting as truth whatever works for that person, regardless of consequences.

Let’s swim upstream: who invented the universe? God. Who keeps the universe going? God. Who created you and me? God. Who keeps us waking up every morning? God. It seems that the one who does all the creating and maintaining should surely be the one who writes the rules. 

The rules are good and not arbitrary. The psalmist sings in praise of these laws from a perfect and trustworthy God. These laws give us joy. They are precious.

There is great comfort in knowing we are led by a Father who acts out of love, who we can trust, and who wants only good for us. Because of this he gave us laws. He knows us, he  knows what we face, and he knows that his law will help us, not hurt or hobble us.

The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart.


Contact the author

Merridith Frediani’s perfect day includes prayer, writing, unrushed morning coffee, reading, tending to dahlias, and playing Sheepshead with her husband and three kids.  She loves finding God in the silly and ordinary.  She writes for Ascension Press, Catholic Mom, and her local Catholic Herald in Milwaukee. Her first book Draw Close to Jesus: A Woman’s Guide to Eucharistic Adoration is expected to be released summer 2021. You can reach her at merridith.frediani@gmail.com

Feature Image Credit: TeeFarm, https://pixabay.com/photos/birds-swarm-flock-of-birds-sky-2189476/

The Lord Delights in His People

Today’s readings are rich in imagery: ancestors, godly men, virtues, the Lord delighting in his people, bearing fruit, the withered fig tree, the temple area comotion, faith in God, prayer and forgiveness are found within these verses. 

My attention keeps coming back to the last line of the Gospel, “When you stand to pray, forgive anyone against whom you have a grievance, so that your heavenly Father may in turn forgive you your transgressions.”  Mk 11:25  This is vital to living in right relationship with the Father. 

As a chosen one of God, created in His image, I have been called to honor (pray), witness (serve, act) and bear fruit to the truth of the Way for all of creation.

The ultimate love of the Father was the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus Christ. He showed us the Way of life through his example of love and prayer, service and sacrifice. Jesus forgives all because He loves all, even when someone’s actions hurt or take advantage of others.

Being chosen means I have to acknowledge being human. I am accountable for the good and the bad choices and decisions in my life. I am to be as forgiving as Jesus and my Father are to all. The biggest challenge is to do that every moment of everyday; to show compassion and extend forgiveness to everyone through the Spirit and the love of God outpoured in the world.

God takes delight in His people. God takes delight in you. The following songs help me take the next step on the Way.

Chosen, Sidewalk Prophets
Help is on The Way, TobyMac
Truth be Told, Matthew West
Aware, Salvador

Contact the author

Beth Price is part of the customer care team at Diocesan. She is a Secular Franciscan (OFS) and a practicing spiritual director. Beth shares smiles, prayers, laughter, a listening ear and her heart with all of creation. Reach her here bprice@diocesan.com.

Feature Image Credit: MI PHAM, https://unsplash.com/photos/FtZL0r4DZYk

Eye on the Prize

The story of Bartimaeus is echoed in both Matthew and Luke’s Gospel. This image of Jesus healing a blind man (or in Matthew’s case two blind men) is of critical importance for the early disciples of Jesus. When John the Baptist sent his followers to Jesus to ask if he was the Messiah, Jesus asks them to consider what they have seen: “the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have the good news proclaimed to them” (Matthew 11:5). Jesus is referencing prophecies from the Book of Isaiah about the coming of the Messiah.

In today’s world, we are blessed with medicine and technology that would have seemed more than miraculous to a First Century person. People born with disabilities can be helped, children born deaf can be given the gift of hearing, a person who is blind can be taught to read and write. These are miraculous things, which we so often take for granted. 

The lesson I found myself gravitating to as I pondered this passage was that Bartimaeus, while being blind, had found a way to keep his eye on the prize. He did not waver in his attempts to reach Jesus. Even when the crowd tried to discourage him, to belittle him, he did not waver. The Gospel writer tells us this discouragement actually provided fuel for his fervor and he cried out all the louder. 

Bartimaeus knew how he could be healed. He knew Jesus was the one to give him that gift. He relentlessly pursued Jesus with all of his strength. He did not let his blindness stop him. He did not allow the crowd to cause him to pause, to doubt himself or what he knew to be true. What things we could accomplish if we could focus on them the way that Bartimaeus focused on Jesus. Now, stop and think of what God could accomplish in us if we did not pursue “things” but rather, pursued Him.

Contact the author

Kate Taliaferro is an Air Force wife and mother. She is blessed to be able to homeschool, bake bread and fold endless piles of laundry. When not planning a school day, writing a blog post or cooking pasta, Kate can be found curled up with a book or working with some kind of fiber craft. Kate blogs at DailyGraces.net.

Feature Image Credit: jacksonDavid, https://pixabay.com/photos/hand-reach-reaching-fingers-5961660/

Want To Be First?

I really wanted to talk about Sirach today. He beseeches the Lord to pour out his grace and blessings upon all his servants. In a way, this is our daily prayer. As you know, his mercy is everlasting! 

In the Gospel of Mark today, we read, “taking them aside again”….. he tells them what, in detail, will happen to him.” After all that, the two brothers, James and John beg Jesus to let them have a high spot in heaven. Jesus replied by asking them if they can go through what he will go through. They answered, “We can!” Yeah, right! It would take some time for the disciples to truly understand what he was really saying.  In our human nature, many desire to be held in high esteem, to be number one, to be admired, and to portray that perfect person. That is a pretty tall order! Having the best clothes, the newest car, a bigger house, the finest watches… this is not what it’s all cracked up to be!

The greatest man alive, Jesus Christ, did not model those things of pride. No, he came as a servant, a suffering servant. Who are those today that model that same behavior? The first ones that come to mind are grandmothers. Most grandmothers are in constant motion helping their daughters and daughters in-law with their children and grandchildren with babysitting and house chores, and during the covid Pandemic, with homeschooling! Some young mothers and fathers were blindsided when all of a sudden their home became a school. Big shock!

I know one grandmother that drove 70 miles round trip two times a week to help their struggling daughters. Sometimes the modeling of Jesus Christ is as close as our own families or extended families. As we hear the voices of James and John today, do we hear ourselves? Probably, but still today the Lord speaks to us the same way. He loves us so much that he pulls us to himself. And calls us to servanthood. If you haven’t read Matthew 25 for a while, read it again. And find yourself in it!

Serving with joy!

Contact the author

Deacon Dan Schneider is a retired general manager of industrial distributors. He and his wife Vicki recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They are the parents of eight children and twenty-nine grandchildren. He has a degree in Family Life Education from Spring Arbor University. He was ordained a Permanent Deacon in 2002.  He has a passion for working with engaged and married couples and his main ministry has been preparing couples for marriage.

Featured Image Credit: Sergiu Valenas, https://unsplash.com/photos/7VPdLfzLwg8

What Will I Leave Behind to Follow Christ

I have a lot of crazy things to bemoan. Most were embarrassing or even downright stupid: such as smoking, swearing, skipping school, driving too fast, bullying the poor boy that sat in front of me in math class. The world meant everything; I wanted my peers to embrace me as I worked toward acquiring the latest and greatest material things. It feels as if my entire teenage years were spent trying to fit into some specific group or place.

While perhaps these activities are typical at that age, they were still dangerous, absolutely awful, and in the end, downright sinful.  Yet, I didn’t care; I suffered from an earthly, misguided tunnel-vision.  I worried only about what I could see, without a thought beyond this realm or of the eternal consequences of my behavior. Leaving it all behind to follow Jesus never entered my mind; that life seemed dull and hollow—if it was even real.

In my teens, I longed for what was below. I cared what other people thought of me. I sought acceptance and approval from my peers, whatever the cost. It was an incredibly egocentric period, yet ironically a time filled with uncertainty and insecurity. 

My dreams included marrying someone rich but also being rich and famous myself. I read Cosmo and Tiger Beat magazines and strived to look as model-like as possible and judged and scorned those who did not. At parties, I sought the most popular people to impress and joined the ridicule of those not in that group. My validation of worth came from the world’s view, and being someone of significance in the eyes of family and friends, even strangers, enveloped my whole being.

I wish I could look back at my life and say these thoughts and behaviors remained a part of my immature teenage self, but alas, that is not so. Gossip, judging others, making poor choices to belong to a particular crowd would follow me throughout most of my life until I discovered the Truth. Joy came when I was finally willing to be last and strive toward heavenly rewards. 

Through tradition and Scripture, I learned that there is more, much more, beyond this earthly dwelling place, and finally allowed what is above to matter more than this world. This renewing of my mind was not easy and came with many tears, regrets, and painful confessions. Yet, it was not impossible, and the freedom and hope I now feel striving not to belong to the world are by far more amazing than anything I attempted to attain here below.

As you think about your current state of life, can you say you are more concerned with the things of Heaven? Are you rooted in the things of earth? Could you leave them behind to follow Jesus?

Contact the author

Allison Gingras works for WINE: Women In the New Evangelization as National WINE Steward of the Virtual Vineyard. She is a Social Media Consultant for the Diocese of Fall River and CatholicMom.com. She is a writer, speaker, and podcaster, who founded ReconciledToYou.com and developed the Stay Connected Journals for Catholic Women (OSV).   

Feature Image Credit: silviarita, https://pixabay.com/photos/woman-away-nature-forest-meadow-2827304/

The views and opinions expressed in the Inspiration Daily blog are solely those of the original authors and contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of Diocesan, the Diocesan staff, or other contributors to this blog.

Mother of the Church

Today we celebrate the Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church. Our Lady, as the woman through whom the Lord came into the world, sits as Queen of the Church, continuing to mediate His graces.

Even knowing the memorial, the First Reading can seem out of left field. Why are we hearing about the Fall on the feast day of Mary? The key is in Genesis 3:15, traditionally called the Protoevangelium, or “First Gospel”: “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel.” It is considered the first proclamation of the triumph of the Messiah.

This most obviously refers to the conflict between our first parents and Satan, but it also refers to a number of other things. Depending on the language translated, it can either read as shown, or as “she will strike at your head.” Both interpretations are valid, one referring to the Messiah and the other to a female descendent of Eve. This female descendant, who will strike at Satan’s head, is none other than our Blessed Mother, the Mother of the Church.

Mary’s authority is not simply abstract. From the beginning of history, the Lord intended that she would not only bear the Savior of the world, but also that she would conquer Satan through her ministry. This is borne out not only in Marian apparitions, but even in the realm of exorcism: demons are no match for Our Lady. Her intercession is truly powerful, as we acknowledge in the Memorare.

The triumph of Our Lady, predicted in Genesis 3:15, gets fleshed out at Our Lord’s crucifixion. As we see in the Gospel, Jesus’ last act before His death is to entrust Mary to John and vice versa. The saints have always interpreted this to mean that Jesus is giving Mary to the Church as Mother, and the Church to Mary. Christ certainly rules His Church, but He chooses to do so through Mary, just as He chose to become flesh through her. 

The ecclesial typology is complete with the piercing of Christ’s side. Blood and water flow out, symbolizing the Eucharist and Baptism, marking the birth of the Church. Just as Eve came from Adam’s side, so too does the Church come from the side of Christ. None of this escapes John, the same disciple to whom Mary was entrusted.

As Mother of the Church, Mary, the “Destroyer of all heresies,” helps to preserve her from error and apostasy. She protects the Church from those who would subvert her purpose, and keeps her members fixed on Christ. Though she does not have much to say in the Gospels, she rules the Church with serenity and authority. She excellently fulfills the role of Queen Mother, serving at the right hand of the King.

Today, we receive a welcome reminder of Our Lady’s intercession, and ultimately of Our Lord’s provision for His people. Let us turn to Mary, Mother of the Church, knowing that her intercession and authority are both real and effective.

Contact the author

David Dashiell is a freelance writer, editor, and proofreader based in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. His writing has been featured in Crisis Magazine and The Imaginative Conservative, and his editing is done for a variety of publishers, such as Sophia Institute and Scepter. He can be reached at ddashiellwork@gmail.com.

Feature Image Credit: Julya Severino, https://www.cathopic.com/photo/21762-maria-matilde;e-da-igreja

Come Holy Spirit

In today’s First Reading, in Acts 2, the people unite to celebrate the Lord together, through the formation of the church. This is the reversal of the Tower of Babel- whereas earlier the people are confused by different languages, here they are united as one, in their love of God the Father and Son through the Holy Spirit. They live astounded and amazed.  

I think so many of us struggle with trying to understand who exactly the Holy Spirit is. As Catholics we speak so regularly on who Christ is, and who the Father is, but the Holy Spirit often remains in the background. In today’s Second Reading, it is noted there is the same Spirit, the same Lord, the same God. No one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. To know God, we must have the Holy Spirit alive in us. This is demonstrated in Psalm 104 which notes our reliance on the Spirit, concluding, “If you take away their breath, they perish and return to their dust. When you send forth your spirit, they are created”. In the King James Version, the final verse reads “Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth”, with the preceding verses emphasizing how dependent one’s life is on God.

The Holy Spirit is God. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to His Church to strengthen and guide it, allowing us to live for God’s glory.  And how can we complete this in our daily lives? We must first actively seek the Holy Spirit out, ask the Holy Spirit to abide in us, and bless us with the gifts necessary to do whatever work God asks of us. 

St. Teresa of Avila best summarizes how to make the Spirit come alive in her following prayer: 

Christ has no body but yours,

No hands, no feet on earth but yours,

Yours are the eyes with which He looks

Compassion on this world,

Yours are the feet with which He walks to do good,

Yours are the hands, with which He blesses all the world.

Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,

Yours are the eyes, you are His body.

Christ has no body now but yours,

No hands, no feet on earth but yours,

Yours are the eyes with which he looks

compassion on this world.

Christ has no body now on earth but yours.

Through the Spirit, we achieve the true Peace God the Father and Son grant us; a freedom and security that come from knowing that God is with us always. Especially today on the feast of Pentecost, may we be forever blessed by the graces offered by the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit! 

contact the author

Dr. Alexis Dallara-Marsh is a board-certified neurologist who practices in Bergen County, NJ. She is a wife to her best friend, Akeem, and a mother of two little ones on Earth and two others in heaven above.

Feature Image Credit: Marga Lopez Calbacho, https://www.cathopic.com/margacalbacho

We Follow Him

In today’s Gospel John recounts Jesus’ admonishment of Peter for being concerned with the disposition of others rather than his own disposition. How often do we find ourselves in Peter’s position? It’s easy to fall into the habit of comparing ourselves to others and of comparing our sins to others: “I may gossip but at least I don’t do that other sin.” But the fact of the matter is that all sin puts distance between us and God. When we get caught up in comparison, we can lose sight of our own relationship with God and take it for granted. I think that through His response to Peter’s question, Jesus is reminding us to concentrate on our own relationship with Him. He says to us, “You follow me”. 

The First Reading gives an example of what following Jesus looks like; we hear a little bit about Paul’s time as a prisoner in Rome. The life of a Christian is radical and society will not always accept Christianity. Paul recognized this yet, as the First Reading tells us, “He received all who came to him, and with complete assurance and without hindrance he proclaimed the Kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ”. Paul chose to devote his life to Christ and share the Gospel with all people regardless of the consequences. This is what Jesus means by “You follow me”. 

One of my favorite lines in Scripture is the one that ends our Gospel today: “There are also many other things that Jesus did, but if these were to be described individually, I do not think the whole world would contain the books that would be written”. The disciples had the honor of witnessing Christ’s mission firsthand but, because they were human, they were not always perfect in following Jesus. They do, however, serve as the exemplars of how we should dedicate our lives to Christ Jesus and carry out his mission of spreading the Good News to the ends of the earth.

May we spend our lives following Christ wholeheartedly!

Contact the author

Dakota currently lives in Denver, CO and teaches English Language Development and Spanish to high schoolers. She is married to the love of her life, Ralph. In her spare time, she reads, goes to breweries, and watches baseball. Dakota’s favorite saints are St. John Paul II (how could it not be?) and St. José Luis Sánchez del Río. She is passionate about her faith and considers herself blessed at any opportunity to share that faith with others. Check out more of her writing at https://dakotaleonard16.blogspot.com.

Feature Image Credit: Matias Medina, https://www.cathopic.com/photo/22086-apostoles

Sheep Being Fed

“Simon, son of John, do you love me? … Feed my sheep.” 

Today’s Gospel has had an impact on my life for many years now … at least 13, if my memory serves me correct. 

It was 13 years ago that a newly ordained priest was starting his first assignment at my then-home parish. I had never before met a priest like him – young, full of joy and laughter and, most important to me (at the time), actively involved in youth ministry. 

Throughout his four years at my home parish, I saw the ministry of the priesthood up close and personal for the first time. I saw a man who truly laid down his life at the service of ALL of God’s people. And I was introduced to the person of Jesus Christ through him. 

My personal journey of discipleship started when I was in high school and this priest played a huge role, simply by his willingness to be present and listen to us young people. He has since continued to walk with me on my journey of discipleship, well into my adult years. While he has long moved on from my home parish, I still find myself reaching out to share joys, triumphs, struggles and burdens.

What does this priest have to do with today’s Gospel? Well, for his priesthood verse/theme, he selected the above verse from John. I still remember the day he handed us his priesthood card with that verse on the back and I can still tell you exactly where that priesthood card is. He was … and still is … the embodiment of what feeding His sheep looks like. Not only does he feed God’s sheep by offering up the sacrifice of the Mass and nourishing us spiritually with the Eucharist but also in so many other ways that would exceed my word count for this blog alone. 

Now as a youth minister, I can relate to this same verse as I strive to feed the young people of today’s Church. And, in a beautiful way, I am reminded of this task every time I step into my church building for those same words, “Simon, son of John, do you love me? … Feed my sheep” are written on an arch above the choir loft in my church. 

This call to feed God’s sheep is a call for each one of us in our different vocations and states of life. Priests are called in a very concrete and intentional way to offer up the Body and Blood of Christ for our sake. Other religious men and women are called to serve the Church in different ministries of prayer and service, etc., all of which nourish the whole Church as the Body of Christ. Married couples are called to feed their children not only physically but also spiritually as the first educators of the faith. And single men and women are called to serve the Church in a variety of different ways that share God’s love with all people. 

How are you being called to feed His sheep?

Contact the author

Erin Madden is a Cleveland native and graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville. She is passionate about the Lord Jesus, all things college sports and telling stories and she is blessed enough to get paid for all three of her passions. You can catch her on old episodes of the Clarence & Peter Podcast on YouTube as well as follow her on Twitter@erinmadden2016.

Feature Image Credit: Arthur Mazi, https://unsplash.com/photos/XFI3zNu5Ba4

Love Is Gathering and Rescuing Us

“You, Father, are in me and I in you… I in them and you in me… that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in them…” Today’s Gospel can sound like a logic puzzle and have our minds glazing over at first; it really needs to be read slowly, and several times. Every sentence – every clause – is rich and profound, giving us insight into Jesus’ relationship with his Father, his love for us and for the whole Church, our relationship with one another, and our relationship within the Trinity.

Jesus prayed this prayer out loud for his disciples, so they could glimpse these relationships and enter into them. And they are recorded for us, so that we can do the same.

Jesus’ repeated desire is for ONENESS – deep, true, spiritual oneness based on mutual love. He prays that we will be one just as the Father and the Son are one! In order for that to happen, we need to be united to the Son who is IN the Father, and the Father will dwell in us as He is IN the Son. This is the perfection to which we are all called: “I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may be brought to perfection as ONE…”

It is Jesus who draws us together, who wants us to enjoy the very love that he himself enjoys in the Father. Jesus expresses this wish explicitly: “I wish that WHERE I AM THEY ALSO MAY BE WITH ME…” Jesus’ deepest desire is to gather us all to himself, so that we can, in him, enter into the very Heart of the Father, to share his love, joy, and glory. And the Father wants this as well, as we – you, me, everyone – are the Father’s GIFT to the Son. The Son wants to respond by winning us back from sin and self, and then giving us all back to the Father.

Why? LOVE. Jesus’ entire life and self-offering is motivated by love. He does the Father’s will because he loves the Father. He offers himself for us because he loves us. He pours his grace and mercy over us because he wants us to be with him to share the “joy beyond words” of the life of the Trinity. Forever. He tells the Father that he does it all so “that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in them.”

This is the radiance for which we are created! This is salvation! This is heaven! This is the whole purpose of existence! We are made IN HIM and FOR HIM (Col 1:16-17); we come from Love, we are returning to Love, and Love is rescuing us every step of the way. Today, let’s seek ways to walk in this glorious Truth and return love for Love.

Contact the author

Kathryn Mulderink, MA, is married to Robert, Station Manager for Holy Family Radio. Together they have seven children (including newly ordained Father Rob and seminarian Luke ;-), and two grandchildren. She is a Secular Discalced Carmelite and has published five books and many articles. Over the last 25 years, she has worked as a teacher, headmistress, catechist, Pastoral Associate, and DRE. Currently, she serves the Church as a writer and voice talent for Catholic Radio, by publishing and speaking, and by collaborating with the diocesan Office of Catechesis, various parishes, and other ministries to lead others to encounter Christ and engage their faith. Her website is https://www.kathryntherese.com/.

Feature Image Credit: II ragazzo, https://www.cathopic.com/photo/14588-un-solo-dios

To know the Truth

What is truth? Or maybe the better question is Who is Truth? We know who Truth is – Jesus. Then why is it often difficult to get to the truth of an issue, concern or problem?

One reason might be where we are looking for truth. Since Easter, we have been reading from the Book of the Acts of the Apostles at Mass. And if you have ever studied that book, you may know it is often called the Book of the Holy Spirit. Why? Because the Spirit moves in that book and moved in the life of the apostles and all the believers of that early Christian community. They knew the truth and when they needed to discern the next steps they prayed, together, and asked for guidance. And the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, showed up. 

When we look for truth, where do we go first? Social Media, TV news, your local newspaper or radio show? And how do you decide who is giving you accurate information? It might be less difficult to find the truth if we first prayed and asked for help.

I think about this often, because I find myself taking the next step, quickly glancing heavenward and saying, “God, is this okay, God?” instead of taking the time to sit with Him first. We do not belong to the world, so we cannot start with the world. We are consecrated in truth; Jesus tells us this. What does it mean to be consecrated? To be set apart, blessed, made holy, dedicated to God, to have a divine purpose – choose your favorite, but know that we are not ordinary. 

We have access to the truth. But do we access it? All around me I see division. Why? Because we have stopped looking for the truth Christ gives us and don’t ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Of course, many of us reading this do so because we do want the truth. We want to know Christ more fully and deeply. And how can that happen?

No need to sit down or hold onto your hats for this information; you will not be shocked. How can we know the Truth more fully and deeply? Pray. Frequent the sacraments. Read Scripture. Remember that we are consecrated in truth, by Jesus. I pray that we all come to know and live this out every day. 

Contact the author

Deanna G. Bartalini, MEd, MPS, is a Catholic educator, writer, speaker, and retreat leader. She has served in ministry for over 40 years as a catechist, religious education director, youth minister, liturgical coordinator, stewardship director and Unbound prayer minister. For all of Deanna’s current work go to DeannaBartalini.com. 

Feature Image Credit: Michael Carruth, https://unsplash.com/photos/m_tnGfoHeko

Bear Witness

In today’s First Reading, Paul gives a farewell address to some disciples in Miletus. He says to them: “I served the Lord with all humility and with the tears and trials that came to me because of the plots of the Jews, and I did not at all shrink from telling you what was for your benefit, or from teaching you in public or in your homes. I earnestly bore witness for both Jews and Greeks to repentance before God and to faith in our Lord Jesus.” 

Paul, who completely changed his ways—from Saul the persecutor to Paul the evangelist—spent the rest of his life traveling from city to city preaching about Christ. And here in this speech, he mentions that he did so despite the “tears and trials.”

It was not easy for him, and many people didn’t even believe that he had changed. In fact, many still feared him. Yet he persisted. He did so because he trusted in God. He did so because he couldn’t have lived with himself if he hadn’t taught about Christ and helped others walk the path to heaven. 

Paul’s testimony and his faith should make each of us think: If he could make such a drastic change, certainly I can mend my ways. I, too, can bear witness.

In today’s world, with secular ideas becoming more and more prevalent and sin becoming normalized, it’s easy for us to want to hide our faith or close our mouths when people say something untrue or something that shows they don’t understand God. We fear standing out. We don’t want to make waves or cause problems. We don’t want to offend. 

But, just as Paul bore witness to the truth and the good news of Christ—even when it was difficult—so must we. 

Why must we do this? It’s simple. God calls us to be evangelists. He calls us to live His truths, to teach, and to draw others to Him.

We can do this in many different ways—through our actions, through our speech, on social media, or when hanging out with friends. The possibilities are endless! 

God gave each of us special talents. We must use these talents to glorify Him and to bear witness to His love, His mercy, and His generosity. 

So, as we ponder today’s reading, let us vow to become more like Paul and less like Saul. Let us vow to speak up for Christ and His teachings. Let us vow to shine the light of Christ to others. And let us vow to love as Christ loved. 

Contact the author

Susan Ciancio has a BA in psychology and a BA in sociology from the University of Notre Dame, with an MA in liberal studies from Indiana University. For the past 17 years, she has worked as a professional editor and writer, editing both fiction and nonfiction books, magazine articles, blogs, educational lessons, professional materials and website content. Eleven of those years have been in the pro-life sector. Currently Susan freelances and writes weekly for HLI, edits for American Life League, and is the editor of Celebrate Life Magazine. She also serves as executive editor for the Culture of Life Studies Program-an educational nonprofit program for K-12 students.

Feature Image Credit: Argenis Jose Gonzalez, https://www.cathopic.com/photo/928-vayan-todo-mundo