Feast of St. Nicholas

The readings today speak of our trust and faith in the Lord. Both instruct us to have our Rock of faith as the Lord and keep our foundations in solidarity with Him, otherwise our houses, our lives will collapse. “Only the one who does the will of my Father will enter the Kingdom of heaven.” It is a great line to focus on this Advent, as we re-align ourselves with the will of our Father in heaven.

St. Nicholas of Myra, (280-343 AD), whose feast we celebrate today, is a wonderful example of keeping focused on the Lord. St. Nicholas is revered in both the Eastern and Western Church and was well known as a saint, long before Saints were officially approved by the Church (which began in the late 8th century). Read about this little-known fact of the Secret Santa here.

There are many legends attributed to this beloved Saint. When my children were young, I told them to leave their shoes by the door on the eve of the feast of St. Nicholas, which is a popular tradition in Europe. In this narrative, St. Nick places chocolates, fruits or small gifts in the shoes.

Looking at prayers to St. Nicholas, I find myself drawn to this one. It sets a nice tone to the joyful season of Advent. May you be reminded of it every time you see a candy cane and smile or share with others the blessing.

Feast of St. Nicholas Day Candy Cane Blessing Prayer

Good St. Nicholas, we honor you
on this your holy feast day.
We rejoice that you are the patron saint
and the holy symbol of joy
for many peoples of many lands.

Come, great-hearted saint,
and be our patron and companion
as we, once again, prepare our homes and hearts
for the great feast of Christmas,
the birth of the Eternal Blessing, Jesus Christ.

May these sweets, these candy canes,
be a sign of Advent joy for us.
May these candy canes,
shaped just like your Bishop’s staff,
be for us a sign of your benevolent care.

We rejoice that you are the holy bringer of gifts
and that so many have been delighted
through your great generosity.
Help us to be as generous of heart.

Wherever these candy canes are hung,
on tree or wall or door,
may they carry with them
the bright blessing of God.
May all who shall taste them
experience the joy of God
upon their tongues and in their hearts.

We ask God, now, to bless
these your brightly striped sweets
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Beth Price is a Secular Franciscan (OFS) and spiritual director who has worked in several parish ministry roles during the last 20 years. She is a proud mother of 3 adult children. Beth currently works at Diocesan. You can contact her at bprice@diocesan.com.

Christ Has No Body But Yours

The Tuesday before Thanksgiving finds many folks in the USA preparing on multiple levels. While some are getting grocery shopping done so a feast may be readied, others are cleaning in order to welcome family and friends into their homes. I will travel to be with family this evening, as my adult children have more families and friends to visit within the upcoming days. I count myself blessed to be able to share some time with each of these special people and thank God for placing them in my life.

There are many who are not as blessed. They do not have a bed to call their own, nor do they know where or when the next meal will come. They do not have warm clothing or shelter to keep the chill of winter at bay. They may not have a family to help or the means to assist them in their current situation. They may be too proud to ask for assistance, as I myself am prone to be. They may not be aware of how to get assistance that is there for the asking. There are many who grumble that people need assistance. There are some who feel those in need haven’t done enough for themselves and that’s why they are in need.

The readings today stir all that in me. We find in the first reading those who are good, but not always aware of what’s going on around them, not having the ears to hear the Spirit. Also noted are those who are lukewarm, who do not realize they are wretched and will be spit from God’s mouth unless they repent. Lastly, the Lord tells us that he is knocking at the door. It says those who hear his voice he will join in their home and dine with them. It ends with, “Whoever has ears ought to hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”  The Gospel tells the story of Zacchaeus in the tree wanting to see Jesus and next welcoming Jesus into his home after being told by Jesus that he would be dining with Zacchaeus that evening. Those around grumbled amongst themselves, knowing the kind of person Zacchaeus was. Jesus closes with, “Today salvation has come to this house because this man too is a descendant of Abraham. For the Son of Man has come to seek and save the lost.”

Ya, so what’s your point, you ask? My point is for we who grumble, who are lukewarm. God wants us to hear His voice. He wants us to repent and do the right thing. He wants us to stop grumbling, to stop playing it safe while taking care of our immediate surroundings. We are all connected through Him: all peoples, nations, all of creation. I hear St. Teresa of Avila, Doctor of the Church saying:

Christ Has No Body

Christ has no body but yours,

No hands, no feet on earth but yours,

Yours are the eyes with which he looks

Compassion on this world,

Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,

Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.

Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,

Yours are the eyes, you are his body.

Christ has no body now but yours,

No hands, no feet on earth but yours,

Yours are the eyes with which he looks

compassion on this world.

Christ has no body now on earth but yours.

Beth Price is a Secular Franciscan (OFS) and spiritual director who has worked in several parish ministry roles during the last 20 years. She is a proud mother of 3 adult children. Beth currently works at Diocesan. You can contact her at bprice@diocesan.com.

Finding Inner Peace

We have 3 short passages from the Bible today. As I sit with them, I realize that I have found my peace, just as our psalm today asks us to respond. Hmmm…That has not been true during most of my life, being at peace. “Something is different about you. You seem at peace,” I have heard only recently, over the last few years.

The responsorial psalm says it well for me, “I have stilled and quieted my soul like a weaned child. Like a weaned child on its mother’s lap, so is my soul within me.”  So how do I get there and stay there?

Something that resonates with me comes from one of my spiritual giants, St. Teresa of Calcutta. Mother Teresa said that peace begins with a smile. Her service to others, being present to them in whatever circumstance, has been a beautiful witness for me to strive for, but don’t misinterpret me here. I will probably never encounter abject poverty as she did in Calcutta. I do, however, have opportunities all around me if I choose to see them.

I seem to have gotten ahead of myself though, (which is usually how I come to most of my understandings, a very circuitous route (like Dennis the Menace).

I have learned I must put into my schedule things which force me to slow down, or learn through much trial and error, that the whole world still continues without me. I don’t have to schedule something during what would usually be personal family time, even if it’s something really good.

One way I’ve learned to make time was finding a spiritual director when I began parish work in the late ‘90s. Having a spiritual director allows me time to sit with, struggle and/or notice movements of God and the Holy Spirit in my life. These conversations have graced me by looking at situations with new eyes. They have been oasis times in the chaos of my daily life.

I offer you the following to think about where you find your inner peace.

The Giving Tree  On Being Useless  Shalom (the peace of the kingdom of God be with you).

Beth Price is a Secular Franciscan (OFS) and spiritual director who has worked in several parish ministry roles during the last 20 years. She is a proud mother of 3 adult children. Beth currently works at Diocesan. You can contact her at bprice@diocesan.com

The Guest House

I really like St. Peter. His question in today’s Gospel gives me much hope. He, as I so often do, has to ask the obvious: is this just for us or for everyone? Yes and yes! Jesus, as he was prone to do, gives Peter and the disciples yet another parable. Oh, how I long for a straight answer to prayer requests or what path I am to take. Free will. Is it really that important? Is it overrated? I occasionally struggle with decisions, both big and small. Why can’t God point me in the right direction?! The bigger point here may be that I’m such a whiner and complainer!

Jesus flat out tells us that he has made us the stewards of the master’s servants. It is up to us to keep things going according to his will (through the precepts in the 10 Commandments and the Beatitudes). He has given us the Holy Spirit, Sacraments and the Bible to help guide, nourish and inspire us on our journey. Even with all this support, I can find myself stymied, confused, distracted and dazed during my daily life.

While I was going through my divorce, I moved into a condo and started working two new (simultaneous) part-time jobs in the space of 3 months. I was emotionally, mentally and physically drained. I was operating on autopilot. When December rolled around just 2 months later, a great friend called saying a coworker had just been thrown out of her home and needed a place to stay. She knew my high schooler had not moved in with me and I had an open bedroom. I took a deep breath and said yes to this idea of a woman who I knew vicariously through my friend, so she could move in with me. She came to my home that evening, with a suitcase and a couple of boxes hastily thrown together.

I start a batch of cookies. The doorbell rings. My heart breaks for her and the drama she’s going through. My own soul starts to heal by feeling useful to another on a deeply personal level. I know her struggle of being displaced. I can focus on being available and just doing or providing little things: access to a washer & dryer, bed, food, stove & fridge, a cat to pet, a familiar couch & chair (generously shared with me during my own transition) to curl up on.

“That servant who knew his master’s will but did not make preparations nor act in accord with his will shall be beaten severely, and the servant who was ignorant of his master’s will but acted in a way deserving of a severe beating shall be beaten only lightly. Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still, more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” Lk 12:47-48 Was Jesus talking about situations like the above, or helping to take care of creation in my part of the country, or the dignity of life of the elderly or those with no one to help them in any given circumstance in life?

A friend recently shared this with me. I offer it to you so that you, too, can prepare for guests.

The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.

He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

— Jellaludin Rumi

Beth Price is a Secular Franciscan (OFS) and spiritual director who has worked in several parish ministry roles during the last 20 years. She is a proud mother of 3 adult children. Beth currently works at Diocesan. You can contact her at bprice@diocesan.com.

Our Father

The gospel today is the short version of the Our Father prayer we know so well. I find myself called to go deeper and share with you an expanded version of this prayer, inspired by St. Francis of Assisi, translated by Regis J. Armstrong, OFM CAP & Ignatius C. Brady, OFM.

O OUR most holy FATHER,
Our Creator, Redeemer, Consoler, and Savior

In the angels and in the saints,
Enlightening them to love, because You, Lord, are light
Inflaming them to love, because You, Lord, are love
Dwelling in them and filling them with happiness,
because You, Lord, are the Supreme Good,
the Eternal Good
from Whom comes all good
without Whom there is no good.

May our knowledge of You become ever clearer
That we may know the breadth of Your blessings
the length of Your promises
the height of Your majesty
the depths of Your judgments

So that You may rule in us through Your grace
and enable us to come to Your kingdom
where there is an unclouded vision of You
a perfect love of You
a blessed companionship with You
an eternal enjoyment of You

That we may love you with our whole heart by always thinking of You
with our whole soul by always desiring You
with our whole mind by directing all our
intentions to You and by seeking Your
glory in everything
and with our whole strength by spending all our
energies and affections
of soul and body
in the service of Your love
and of nothing else
and may we love our neighbors as ourselves
by drawing them all with our whole strength to Your love
by rejoicing in the good fortunes of others as well as our own
and by sympathizing with the misfortunes of others
and by giving offense to no one

in memory and understanding and reverence
of the love which our Lord Jesus Christ had for us
and of those things which He said and did and suffered for us

Your own Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ

Through Your ineffable mercy
through the power of the Passion of Your Beloved Son
together with the merits and intercession of the Blessed Virgin
Mary and all Your chosen ones

And whatever we do not forgive perfectly,
do you, Lord, enable us to forgive to the full
so that we may truly love our enemies
and fervently intercede for them before You
returning no one evil for evil
and striving to help everyone in You

Hidden or obvious
Sudden or persistent

Past, present and to come.

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit
As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

— from Francis and Clare: The Complete Works: The Classics of Western Spirituality, Translated by Regis J. Armstrong, OFM CAP

Beth Price is a Secular Franciscan (OFS) and spiritual director who has worked in several parish ministry roles during the last 20 years. She is a proud mother of 3 adult children. Beth currently works at Diocesan. You can contact her at bprice@diocesan.com.

The Memorial Of St. Francis Of Assisi

The readings today are so so fitting as we celebrate the memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi.  Francis, like Job in the first reading, had a privileged life, both being from upper-middle-class families. Job had his world changed by a conversation between God and Satan, yet today we see that Job is not condemning God, but longing for God.

In a similar way, Saint Francis gave back all of his earthly father’s possessions to allow himself to be consumed with the trials and teachings of his heavenly Father and his Son. This was not an easy path, yet both Francis and Job found consolation in the psalm of today, “I believe I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living”.  Each was faithful in their personal prayers to God.

For Francis, the call to a ‘gospel way of life’ was tugging at his heart once he made the commitment to follow the ways of God. He saw God in the world around him: the lepers, beggars, the Saracens, all non-believers, animals and all of creation. At times, we forget that it is God, not just Satan, that can be found in our world. Francis also sent his brothers in community, the friars minor, or little brothers, into the world just as Jesus said to do in today’s gospel from Luke.

As we go through our day today, try to go out of your comfort zone and reach out to someone you don’t usually interact with. Try looking at your day (or domain in which you travel) as outside your household and make an action from Jesus’ and Francis’ playbook: treat the stranger or one who you don’t know so well, as a brother or sister created in God’s image. Give a smile or head nod, start a conversation when you wouldn’t normally do so. If it’s welcomed by the other, great! If not, say a silent prayer for the individual.

If that’s way out of your comfort zone and you like to walk or jog, take a plastic bag with you and plog by picking up some trash on your way and dispose of it when you get home.

Caring for creation is a wonderful way of giving glory to God! Spend some time with St. Francis’ prayer for Creation. May your day be blessed. Shalom.

O most High, almighty, good Lord God,
to you belong praise, glory, honor, and all blessing!

Praised be my Lord God with all creatures;
and especially our brother the sun,
which brings us the day, and the light;
fair is he, and shining with a very great splendor:
O Lord, he signifies you to us!

Praised be my Lord for our sister the moon,
and for the stars,
which God has set clear and lovely in heaven.

Praised be my Lord for our brother the wind,
and for air and cloud, calms and all weather,
by which you uphold in life all creatures.

Praised be my Lord for our sister water,
which is very serviceable to us,
and humble, and precious, and clean.

Praised be my Lord for brother fire,
through which you give us light in the darkness:
and he is bright, and pleasant, and very mighty,
and strong.

Praised be my Lord for our mother the Earth,
which sustains us and keeps us,
and yields divers fruits, and flowers of
many colors, and grass.

Praised be my Lord for all those who pardon
one another for God’s love’s sake,
and who endure weakness and tribulation;
blessed are they who peaceably shall endure,
for you, O most High, shall give them a crown!

Praised be my Lord for our sister,
the death of the body, from which no one escapes.
Woe to him who dies in mortal sin!
Blessed are they who are found walking by your
most holy will,
for the second death shall have no power to do
them harm.

Praise you, and bless you the Lord,
and give thanks to God, and serve God
with great humility.

(St. Francis, 1182-1226)

Beth Price is a Secular Franciscan (OFS) and spiritual director who has worked in several parish ministry roles during the last 20 years. She is a proud mother of 3 adult children. Beth currently works at Diocesan. You can contact her at bprice@diocesan.com.

Compassionate Like Our Lord

Today’s readings speak about following the light. We are called to clear out our boastful, prideful, wicked, immoral, malicious ways (yes, all of these in the reading from 1 Cor 5) so that we may be clean, and led in justice to hear his voice and follow the Lord.

I find my human nature relies heavily on the sacraments and scriptures to be vigilantly clean, helping me to avoid the sins listed above. It is so easy to fall into old habits or be caught up in gossip and judgemental conversations (which, of course, leads to my being boastful or full of pride in my own virtue, nay, lack thereof). How many times have I made a snide remark, oh so cautiously said to my companions who nod in agreement with my negative comment? Would Jesus speak this way about his friends? Would God want me to attack my neighbor with little criticisms that undercut that person’s confidence or relationship with a spouse, child, co-worker or neighbor?

I can think of too many situations where I have witnessed a situation where someone in the group has been spoken to in a way that you can visibly see their confidence wither or the light in their eyes change. How many times have I neglected to speak out or intervene in the group, or go console the one affected after the fact? Does that make me the ‘goody two shoes’ or ‘girl scout,’ that I have been accused of before?. Being a bully, hurting no matter how well-intentioned the teasing may be if the recipient is hurt by it, is bullying. Unless you really know someone’s personal history, you may not be aware of what deep seeded hurt you may have unintentionally brought to mind.

Being compassionate is one of the reasons I follow Jesus. Jesus, in compassion for the man with the withered hand, healed him on the Sabbath in front of the scribes and Pharisees. Jesus knew they would be angry because he broke the law (of not working on the Sabbath) to help the man who would have been viewed as unclean due to the deformity of a withered hand. He was living the new law, to love your neighbor as yourself.

Today is part of Rosh Hashanah, a ten-day period of the Days of Awe, and a time for introspection and casting out of sins in the Jewish faith. I find myself thinking of the thief at Jesus’ left hand at Gethsemane. He knew he was not worthy, yet spoke up in Jesus’ defense to his companion in crime, the thief on the right. Jesus pardoned him and told him he would join him in paradise. May each of us continue to ask for pardon when we sin and cause others to suffer or sin. May we hear the Lord’s voice and follow him as he leads us in justice, truth and light.

Beth Price is a Secular Franciscan (OFS) and spiritual director who has worked in several parish ministry roles during the last 20 years. She is a proud mother of 3 adult children. Beth currently works at Diocesan. You can contact her at bprice@diocesan.com.

Francis, Reformer Of The Church

“…God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak of the world to shame the strong,…” 1 Cor 1:27

The readings today are very timely to help address the challenges within our church. Edward Hays’ writings, “Holy Fools and Mad Hatters” came to mind in particular. In his book, Fr. Hays gives many insights as to what it means to be a holy fool. He speaks about early Christian mystics (most notably St. Francis of Assisi) who humbly went about seeking change in the Church and the world’s view of the poor and outcast.

At the time, many thought Francis was a fool for Christ. There were many challenges and corruption in the Church. Francis wholeheartedly and faithfully loved the Church. He went about seeking to reform the Church by loving it more. He preached the Gospels and loving all as Christ would love. He did not ridicule or cast stones at the Church hierarchy, yet loved them more (as he too was a sinner, he could not cast a stone). He prayed for reforms in the Church leaders and abusers of power. He sacrificed and repented for the conversion of the souls of the unjust; for change in the status quo by living through the example of Jesus Christ in the Gospels.

As a professed member of the Secular Franciscan order, I was deeply heartened by my national executive council (representing over 6,000 Secular Franciscans) response to the current scandal in the Church.

Here is the bulk of their message:

“It saddens all of us that a small minority of men who committed to serve the Church betrayed the promises they made to serve and used their positions of being an authority figure to aid predatory behavior; truly we have wolves in sheep’s clothing. (Mt 7:15) If it were only a case of a few parish priests, the trust of Church leaders might be more easily re-established; but when it is demonstrated that our chief shepherds, the bishops, were involved in secrecy, cover-ups and payouts, the trust, respect and moral authority of the Church as an institution suffers great damage. We must all face the truth and make no excuse for those who are guilty of these crimes against the living stones of the Church, the mystical body of Christ; those who have been unfaithful spouses to the Church as the Bride of Christ!

St John Chrysostom, a fourth-century bishop, described pastors as the “salt of the earth.”
(Mt 5:13) He said of pastors, “If others lose their savor, then your ministry will help them regain it. But if you yourselves suffer that loss, you will drag others down with you.” Sisters and brothers, we have witnessed many being dragged down by those shepherds who have lost their savor as the salt of the earth.

Some demons can only be cast out through prayer and fasting. (Mark 9:29) This is our call to action! Our Lord asked St. Francis to rebuild the Church which was falling into ruin. Are we called to do anything less as followers of Francis? Francis lived his vocation authentically as a living example of Gospel Life. We must do the same. Only by living an authentic Gospel life will our light shine and the Church be rebuilt.

We must also stand with our brothers and sisters who have and are serving the Church as good and faithful servants. These men and women who are committed to their call are now called to be suffering servants. They are guilty by association with the Church institution that has betrayed their trust. How difficult it will be for them to preach the Gospel as representatives of a Church that has lost its moral authority in the public square and the pew. We must stand by those faithful servants and help them continue to look after the well-being of others.

We stand in support of the victims and in favor of holding those responsible for these crimes accountable for their actions. We pray for healing, forgiveness, peace, reconciliation and a Church that will be rebuilt and with God’s grace, and the movement of Holy Spirit, one day, will once again be a beacon of light, hope, and refuge. Let us go forth and witness to the light of Christ and rebuild the Church so that it may once again be full of grace and truth.
The National Executive Council of the Secular Franciscan Order USA (OFS-USA) August 26, 2018″

We can use our prayers, sacrifices, and voices to be part of the solution, similar to the two servants with the five and two talents in today’s gospel reading, or we can choose to do nothing and bury our heads in the sand as the servant buried his master’s talents.

Pray with me:

Lord Jesus, the Church, Your Bride, is suffering from a profound confusion. Your people feel betrayed, confused, and are weary of scandal. But You are the same yesterday, today, and forever! We turn to You, the Rock on which we stand in expectation. Shed on us Your light. Give us Your peace. Show us the way that you desire for each of us. St. Michael, friend of the friends of God, protect and defend us. St. Joseph, protector of the universal Church, pray for us. Mary, Mother of the Church, intercede for us!

What are you prepared to do for your church? What can you sacrifice today to make way for grace? Here are some extra words for thought from Fr. Lankeit in Phoenix, his homily from 8/26/18.

Beth Price is a Secular Franciscan (OFS) and spiritual director who has worked in several parish ministry roles during the last 20 years. She is a proud mother of 3 adult children. Beth currently works at Diocesan. You can contact her at bprice@diocesan.com

Invitation To The Wedding Feast

As I prayed with today’s readings I kept going back to the kingdom of heaven being similar to a wedding feast for a king’s son, like in the gospel and the first reading when the Lord says “I prove my holiness through you.” Ezekiel goes on to speak about cleansing us from our impurities and giving us a new heart and spirit, taking away our stony heart and receiving a natural heart. We are made holy by this process and are given the Lord’s spirit so we can live by his statutes, careful to observe his decrees. We go through preparation to be his instruments (people) on earth.

I compare this to how we go through preparations for all the sacraments we receive in the church. Granted, as infants it’s our parents who go through the formation (the babes scrubbed clean and clothed in a white garment). Pause and think back on your own reception of sacraments: How did you have to prepare? Was family coming to the special liturgy or a party to celebrate after? What were you feeling about the upcoming event? Looking back, were you ready to receive the gift that God was giving you in the sacrament?

Fast forward to this past weekend; were you prepared to receive God’s gift in the Eucharist or were you like the guest at the wedding feast who was not in a wedding garment? Were you just going through the motions or were you really present at the feast being prepared at the altar in church?

I find myself thinking about the gospel reading and the man not dressed in a wedding garment. He showed up as he was asked to do, but had not prepared himself. He was reduced to silence either from shame or guilt when asked why he was there without a wedding garment. I cannot imagine the shock he would feel from hearing the king’s statement,

“Bind his hands and feet, and cast him into the darkness outside, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth. Many are invited, but few are chosen.”  

How many times have I not taken the time to change into something a little dressier and just shown up at Mass? I’m not talking about the times I may have dressed for the task I have to do right after Mass (like going to work or a building site), because I’m hoping that my intent to be present for morning liturgy trumps taking the time to change right after Mass is over so as not to add any more time to my busy day. Was I really taking to heart the prayer said right before I received communion “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” Isn’t it another way of asking the Lord to take the stony heart from my body and giving me a natural heart?

I am worthy of a natural heart because of my baptism. I want to be chosen to enter the kingdom of heaven and not found wanting, and then to be cast out into the darkness, wailing that I was not ready. It is my job to prepare myself for the feast.

Help me Lord, to hear your voice, to keep your statutes and a humble, contrite heart, so I will be welcome when I am called to your kingdom. Amen.

Beth Price is a Secular Franciscan (OFS) and spiritual director who has worked in several parish ministry roles during the last 20 years. She is a proud mother of 3 adult children. Beth currently works at Diocesan. You can contact her at bprice@diocesan.com.

Faith Like A Mustard Seed

The gospel today has Jesus saying, “O faithless and perverse generation, how long will I be with you? How long will I endure you?” (Mt 17:17). He’s addressing the disciples who were not able to drive out a demon from a boy. Jesus’ exasperation brings a Mona Lisa smile to my face. Why? The apostles are so human and Jesus, as their Rabbi and teacher, has to help them focus, again. How many times do I make the same mistakes, can’t get a project done, forget to pick something (or someone) up? When I honestly look back to review the day or reflect on my process, or lack thereof, I tend to notice a pattern and one I hate to admit as it does happen frequently; I have usually forgotten to pray.

I have neglected to put my faith in my Lord and Savior. I did not call on Him when I began whatever task and intentionally ask for His will and blessing. When I skip that step, to begin the process with His intentions at the forefront of my thoughts, I seem to have many false starts. My focus is so scattered and my personal agenda is so prevalent that even my best intentions make the project a huge mess as I continue to fumble with my actions and words. I have to make myself stop, take a breath and call on the Lord to focus my next step. I have a very good friend who will actually call me out on this, asking me to stop and breathe before I continue as she had noticed my harried (or over-caffeinated) frenzied self.

I feel the same frustration that the apostles felt in not being able to accomplish the tasks that Jesus so easily seems to do. Jesus points out the disciples’ “little faith” and shares the parable of the mustard seed. St. Teresa of Calcutta had that kind of faith, as did St. Francis of Assisi. We celebrate today St. Clare of Assisi whose faith must have been bigger than a mustard seed. At the age of 18 in 1212, Clare fled her home in the middle of the night to escape an arranged marriage. Fleeing to the Portiuncula, the little chapel of St Mary of the Angels in Assisi, she asked Brother Francis to accept her into his order of ‘little’ brothers; Francis did so and cut off her hair (making her undesirable for marriage) much to her father, uncles and brothers’ chagrin. Women religious of the middle ages were cloistered. Clare wished the women following Francis’ example would be able to go out into the world to serve the poor. She faithfully pursued approval for her vision and rule for women which was granted by Pope Innocent IV, just 3 days before her death in 1253, 41 years later.

Living alongside the disciples and teaching them must have at times been frustrating for Jesus. There were moments when the apostles seemed to get it and to be following God’s way in faith.
But today’s Gospel shows us that there were times when Jesus became frustrated with their lack of focus. Through their inconsistency, the disciples make the gift of Jesus so much more profound.

Jesus’ absolute commitment to faith and connection to God changes lives in ways which the 12 seem incapable. Jesus’ power is very evident, and even in a moment of frustration, he does not waver. He continues his ministry to heal, preach and teach the apostles and all of his followers. Let us pray for faith rooted as mustard seeds so we too, can grow strong and flourish in our ministries and prayer life.

Beth Price is a Secular Franciscan (OFS) and spiritual director who has worked in several parish ministry roles during the last 20 years. She is a proud mother of 3 adult children. Beth currently works at Diocesan. You can contact her at bprice@diocesan.com.

Preaching The Transfiguration

The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is not a holy day of obligation in the Catholic Church. It is, however, written about in all three synoptic gospels: Matthew 17:1-8, Mark 9:2-9 and Luke 9:28-36. A Transfiguration account is also read on the second Sunday of Lent each year, proclaiming Christ’s divinity to the Elect in the RCIA process, as well as to those of us who are baptized.

I humbly submit that my words cannot come close to any of the reflections you may hear on this great feast day. I do, however, have a selection of  very good homilies you may like to listen to:

Cardinal Seán O’Malley, Aug 6, 2014, some wonderful insights in this homily addressing a gathering of Knights of Columbus. He has such a beautiful way of bringing in his personal experiences and relating them to the scripture. He speaks about a time with Pope Francis and also the transformative experience of St. Francis of Assisi with the leper.

Fr Joseph Mary, MFVA, has a wonderful homily which speaks about the source of unity through Jesus Christ in many great illustrations of community around us. If you don’t want to listen to the readings and psalm, scroll to the 8:45 time stamp on the Youtube video from the EWTN broadcast a few years ago.

Fr. Alex Valladares, from the Archdiocese of Mobile, has a powerful homily that looks at the Transfiguration. The actual Transfiguration probably occurred between 2 high feasts of the Jewish faith, Yom Kippur, or the Feast of Atonement and the Feast of the Tabernacles, Sukkot, which is also called the Feast of the Booths. This too, was broadcast on EWTN, and if you would prefer not to hear the readings of the day, start at 8:28 into the feed.

I don’t know if I have a favorite of the three. Each homily is so very different. That’s what draws me deeper into my faith. Each and every time I hear or read scripture or listen to a homily, the experience is unique and strikes me in ways that may not have resonated with me during my last hearing. What is a homily you enjoyed? Go back and take a listen to it. Although the same words, you may hear something entirely different.

Beth Price is a Secular Franciscan (OFS) and spiritual director who has worked in several parish ministry roles during the last 20 years. She is a proud mother of 3 adult children. Beth currently works at Diocesan. You can contact her at bprice@diocesan.com

Shepherds After My Own Heart

“I will appoint over you shepherds after my own heart, who will shepherd you wisely and prudently.” Jer 3:15  

Today’s readings are full of imagery: rebellious children, shepherds after my own heart, the Lord guarding us as a shepherd guards his flock. I will turn their mourning into joy. Blessed are they who have kept the word with a generous heart and yield a harvest through perseverance. The parable of the sower. So much wisdom, insight and beauty packed into 13 lines of scripture. That’s what keeps drawing me back to the scriptures; I can read a few verses that are very pertinent to my life in that moment. When I pick up the same verses either later that day, or the next year, the verses will not strike me in the same way it had before. (If you’ve not started using pencil in your bible to underline the verse or word that jumps out at you, I highly recommend it). Put a thin notebook in with your bible to jot down any insights, thoughts or phrases going through your mind as you reflect on the scripture verses. Yes, read them to yourself or out loud, and yes, more than once. Sit with whatever has caught your attention for a few minutes.This is a type of lectio divina.

What kept popping up to me as I read and listened to the Word was the good shepherd, who has kept the word with a generous heart, yielding a harvest through perseverance. Jesus Christ is the ultimate Good Shepherd, but who have been the shepherds on your own journey? The individual among the other sheep, who by his or her own perseverance of listening to the word, has invited or nudged you to follow the Lord?

Deacon Dean at my parish, is a wonderful homilist. Deacon Dean is a sheep of the flock, just like you and I. He perseveres in his service to the Lord through his prayer and leads through his daily practices and commitments in his life. He breaks open the Word through his own life struggles and prayer. My pastor has been sitting with Deacon’s Sunday homily all this week and sharing where his prayer has lead him during the daily homilies.  Both my pastor and deacon are shepherds (and sheep) whom I trust and follow. There are many members of my Franciscan fraternity, family and friends, authors and other leaders whose voices I trust and follow.

There are many people whose call I do not respond to as they represent a seed sown among thorns to me, as it seems “worldly anxiety and the lure of riches choke out the word and bears no fruit” (Mt 13:22). For me, they may have had the “evil one steal away what had been sown in their hearts” and now do not hear the Good Shepherd’s voice in the word or world around them (Mt 13:19). I personally feel called to pray for all those who have this happen in their lives, and for the times when it has happened in my own. Pray with me, that the good shepherd open my eyes, ears and heart to follow the right leaders and path to the Lord.

Beth Price is a Secular Franciscan (OFS) and spiritual director who has worked in several parish ministry roles during the last 20 years. She is a proud mother of 3 adult children. Beth currently works at Diocesan. You can contact her at bprice@diocesan.com