What Does It Even Matter?

After the ministers had finished distributing the Eucharist to the congregation, our pastor took the remainder of the consecrated hosts and put them in the Tabernacle. As he did, everyone on the altar knelt in acknowledgment: “This is Jesus.” And I couldn’t help but ask: “What does it even matter?” By appearance, texture, scent and taste, everyone just knelt in reverence to a not-so-good bread/cracker thing… “So, what does it matter?”

We know through our faith that it only has the appearance of bread, but that it is fully Jesus. It matters that we reverence Jesus in what “only appears” to be a not-so-good piece of bread/cracker thing so that we can learn to recognize and love Him outside of the Eucharist as well.

“Whatever you did for the least of these, you did for Me. (Matthew 25:40)” On a superficial level, Jesus’ body and blood appear to be something else. All human senses suggest that every Sunday there is a world-wide community of people who bow down before a not-so- good piece of bread/cracker thing and cheap wine. But when we learn to see by faith Who is before us, we will recognize Him in the weak and vulnerable.

I have no formal education for the work I do, but I believe I’ve been preparing for my job for years. By going to mass and falling in love with Him in the form of what appears only to be a not-so- good piece of bread/cracker thing, I can recognize Him in what appears to be a rude, annoying, socially unequipped stranger who in reality is a person in need of regular reminders for how to communicate well with others.

Open the eyes of faith.

Recognize Him.

Love Him.

During the week, Matt is a mentor for individuals who have developmental and intellectual disabilities. On the weekends, he is a drummer for Full Armor Band.
You can find more content by Matt and his band at www.fullarmorband.com