Mercy, Thank God

How great is our God that he is so merciful! In today’s Responsorial Psalm, we repeat, “Lord, do not deal with us according to our sins.” I know that I am, personally, so blessed with a wonderful life in which I can see God’s little miracles that shaped my life and got me to where I am today. Still, I know that I am no angel. I am not perfect nor anywhere near it. I know that I am not excused from confession. But I also know that my God offers me mercy, even when I feel that I do not deserve it. Looking at the Bible, we know that many a murder, an adulterer, a thief, have become followers of Christ after encountering a miracle and witnessing the Living God. 

Now, God’s mercy is not a cop out. It is not for us to see and say, “Well, I’ll repent on my deathbed and I’ll be golden.” Number one, we never know when we may die. Number two, that is not living the life that the Lord calls us to! No, instead we are called to genuinely ask for forgiveness, both from God and those whom we have wronged.  And THEN we are called to offer forgiveness for those who have wronged us. Many times, that’s the hardest part. 

Too often, too many of us do not show each other mercy or are not shown mercy. We see someone mess up and rather than being compassionate and having mercy, we see punishment as a source of power and can abuse it. I think of how many times I wish I had been shown mercy for things that were out of my control… and then I wonder how many times I should have shown mercy for things that were out of other people’s control. 

Dear Father, 

We thank you for all the mercy that you have shown us.

We know that while all may not be “perfect” in the earthly sense,

You are always right beside us, offering salvation.

You are always offering forgiveness, in the face of every sin.

You call out to us in the darkness, when we are most lost,

sharing the light of Your love and endless mercy. 

Today, we humbly place ourselves before You in supplication,

asking for the gift of mercy, as a trait.

Let us hold a mirror to our own faults 

and recognize how Your mercy is truly a beautiful gift.

Let us learn by example and offer compassion even when we cannot relate.

Let us be Christ to others and offer forgiveness even when it is hard for us.

Let us lead others to You by being Christ to others. 


Contact the author

Veronica Alvarado is a born and raised Texan currently living in Pennsylvania. Since graduating from Texas A&M University, Veronica has published various Catholic articles in bulletins, newspapers, e-newsletters, and blogs. She continued sharing her faith after graduation as a web content strategist and digital project manager. Today, she continues this mission in her current role as communications director and project manager for Pentecost Today USA, a Catholic Charismatic Renewal organization in Pittsburgh. 

Feature Image Credit: Anne Nygard,