
Biblical Soap Opera: Lies, Deceit, And … Sacredness

The two readings in today’s liturgy might be episodes of a video series entitled “Lies and Deceptions.”  The two are short stories that represent reprehensible behavior on the part of people who are up to no good, like the old fools who conspire to do harm to the beautiful Susanna in the Book of Daniel and the mob who are intent on stoning the “woman caught in adultery,” from the Gospel of St. John.

Both stories have people who blow the whistle on the lying and the deceitfulness: Daniel and Jesus.  They call the offensive actions for what they really are and prevent further harm.  Daniel stops the violence by confronting the mob intent on harming Susanna even further than she already was and Jesus shows us the proper relationship with sin and sinners by an unusual way. Jesus’ message is that we should not judge one another; to leave judgment to God.  He dramatizes this kneeling down and writing something in the dust of the earth.  What did he write?  No one knows; the gospel story doesn’t elaborate.  However, the dramatic effect of this odd writing exercise was to quiet the mob.  No one dared to carry through on the intended violence towards the woman.

Let the one who is sinless cast the first stone!  The good news here is that they understood Jesus’ message; yet later on in John’s gospel they were about to stone Jesus, but he slipped away from them.  What a mixed bag of conflicts we humans are!

There are a variety of lessons for here; let’s look at two of them.  First, we need to realize that we are sinners and have no right to invade others with our negative judgments.  That we need to leave judgment to God alone and trust in God’s love and care for us and other sinners like us.

Second, we are called to treat others as sacred.  Clearly the “elders” did not treat Susanna with respect, but saw her only as an object of their lust.  Daniel saved the day by standing out from the crowd and calling them to account for their wicked intentions to carry out the original lies and deceptions of the elders.

What is there here for our experiencing life and its relationship with both God and neighbor?  To risk the courage to stand up to the evil intent of the mob like Daniel did.  And to learn to love and care for the sinner while avoiding her sinfulness as Jesus does.  These are indeed difficult tasks and we engage them neither easily nor lightly – they are God’s gifts to us and do not flow simply from our own strengths.

Loving God, as we come to know you more intimately in our lives, help us not to flee the calls for justice and peace that abound in our world.  Keep us close to you and strengthen our resolve to follow you in service of others in their seemingly impossible situations, not unlike the two women in today’s scripture.

biblicalFr. Tom Shanahan, SJ has been at Creighton University since the early ‘70’s teaching in the theology department. “I teach in the Christian Spirituality Master’s Degree Program, a summertime program which focuses on preparing persons to be active in the apostolate of spiritual direction and retreat work. I serve as the chaplain for the men’s and women’s intercollegiate basketball teams.” [This reflection is used with permission from Creighton University’s Online Ministries.]

hour had not

His Hour Had Not Yet Come

His hour had not yet come.  The “Jews”( codeword in the Gospel of John for that subset of Jewish people who opposed Jesus), were out to get Jesus.  They wanted to kill him, to wipe him from the face of the earth, to put an end once and for all to this one who was obnoxious to them.  Our reading from the Book of Wisdom reveals harshly to us the mind of those who wish to kill God’s Just One.  Wisdom also tells us that those who do so think themselves able to put God to the test, able to thwart the plans of God.

His hour had not yet come.  They had tried to arrest him, they had forced Jesus to move about in a hidden way.  And yet he was still recognized, the people still knew who this Just One was and that he is the Christ.  What would someone have thought who was there, who saw Jesus in Jerusalem for the feast of Tabernacles?  He was not, at least for the moment, teaching on the mountaintop or in the Temple, but he was still clearly the Christ, the one sent by the Father.

His hour had not yet come.  The Jewish authorities, those who opposed Jesus, thought that they were in charge.  This pattern had repeated itself many times: a prophet arises, a bunch of desperate people follow him, the prophet is killed, the story ends.  In the minds of those in charge, Jesus was nothing more than another instance of this story, and they were in charge of the ending.  Time to take charge and end the story.

His hour had not yet come.  Even the people had doubts about Jesus.  “But we know where he is from.  When the Christ comes, no one will know where he is from.”  The Christ is supposed to be unknown to them, someone with an enigmatic history and a story that does not look like the story of our lives.  Somehow or other the Christ, the anointed one of God, the savior, is supposed to be drastically different than the rest of us, a Superman figure.  But they know that Jesus is from Nazareth, and that he is the son of Joseph and Mary.  This must rule him out.

His hour had not yet come.  Jesus reminds us that God is in charge.  The will of the Father will not be thwarted, will not be undone.  Nor will the plan of God bend to the ordinary rules of human engagement: politics and power and expectation.  In the plan of God, Jesus was not supposed to be arrested yet, he was not supposed to die yet.  And so he did not.  Perhaps the story really is that simple: God has not willed it, it has not happened.  Period.

His hour had not yet come.  What happens when his “hour” does come?  What then?  Is God still the one in charge?  Or does he cede control to someone or something else?  Is the plan of God still moving forward at that “hour”?  No one laid a hand upon him, because his hour had not yet come.  Soon enough, they will lay a hand upon him, and much more than that.

Yet I did not come on my own.  Jesus was – is – sent by the Father do to the will of the Father.  Nothing more, nothing less.  The will of the Father is that he die on the cross and rise to new life to save our lives.  And nothing, no one, will stop him.


time had not yet comeFr. Scott Nolan is a priest of the Diocese of Grand Rapids and serving as the Pastor of St. Stephen Parish in East Grand Rapids, MI.

Jesus: Embodiment of Truth

Today’s readings challenge us to confront our tendencies toward unbelief and the role that belonging to a group may play in those tendencies.   Although we may wish to define ourselves distinctly as individuals, we are also infused with a deep desire for belonging.  We are wired for community.  While that desire is good, it can also get us into deep confusion when the group loses its way.  In that sense, we are very much like sheep:  we need a shepherd to rescue us.

In the first reading, Moses is that shepherd.  With the benefit of hindsight, we can look with wonder at our predecessors and their willingness to embrace an idol that is so clearly unworthy of worship and unable to deliver the good that they desire. Given the preceding narrative of miraculous deliverance from captivity, their decision makes no sense at all.  But somehow, we can also identify with their bad decisions and their resulting plight, which puts them in the soup together.

All such journeys begin with a single step, and sometimes those steps take us where we do not want to go.  Maybe they became distracted and bored. They got a little carried away.  But it did not take too long — “yada, yada, yada” — before they end up “depraved”.  That is a strong word.  We do not like to think of ourselves in that way, as it sounds hopelessly disordered, beyond remedy.  Fortunately, that is not the case.

The gospel reminds us that even the religious folk, who keep from getting carried away at all cost, have their own problems with unbelief.  Jesus’ discourse about testimony and faith reminds these people that they are not so far above their predecessors as they may think.  The record is full of evidence, but they are not able (or willing) to see it.  Again, with the benefit of hindsight, we know they are missing something.  But their plight is ours, too. Even with a “good” life, the comfort of our own paradigms can keep us from recognizing our own flaws.  Here, too, the desire to belong can sometimes keep us from recognizing the truth.

While our human dignity depends on the special identity and giftedness that each of us possess, our faith depends on reconciliation which brings us into a community.  Truth is the basis for real community, where love and belonging are real, too.  Jesus is the embodiment of that truth.  We need more of this in our lives.  And we need to be reminded (often, it seems) not to accept the inferior substitutes that we so readily embrace, which may seem to provide comfort, but cannot deliver what we really need.  In our Lenten journey, may we continue to be open to seeing anew the distractions that keep us from following Jesus and from real community.  Thanks be to God.


Edward A. Morse if a professor of law at Creighton University. He says, “My wife and I have five children. Two are Creighton alumni, two are Creighton students, and one is still at home with us. We live on the farm on which I was raised and continue to help operate part of it.  These agrarian roots influence our lives in various ways, and sometimes that influence can be seen in these reflections.” [This reflection is used with permission from Creighton University’s Online Ministries.]


Be Amazed

We all wonder what God is like: is He some old white guy on a cloud? Is He a He? Does He have arms to hug me? Where is God and what’s He like? Today’s readings are bursting with information about God.

The readings begin with Isaiah. He’s telling the Jews that God is faithful: He is keeping the covenant He made so long ago with Abraham. God will be the God of Israel and they will be His people. Forever. No additions or subtractions, no fast-talking sales man pitch: forever. Isaiah even tells the people of Israel to rejoice, sing out! (And Isaiah is not really known for his light-heartedness.)

Psalm 145 is the responsorial psalm today. In just a few short lines we learn that God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and kind. The Lord is compassionate, faithful, holy. Those that have fallen are gently lifted up by God. He is just and truthful, and He calls out the name of those near to Him.

Wow. This is our God. What an amazing and hopeful faith we have!

Finally, in the Gospel of John, Jesus speaks to the Jews. These are the same people Isaiah spoke to. They know about God’s covenant; it’s in the marrow of their bones. Their life centers on God and His laws and His plans for them. Jesus makes it clear that He is doing the work of God the Father. If the Jews want to know more about God, they need to look at Jesus.

For the Father loves the Son
and shows him everything that he himself does,
and he will show him greater works than these,
so that you may be amazed. 
(Jn 5:20)

“Amazed.” The Jews that Jesus were speaking to had no idea what “works” the Father was going to show. We do. Are we amazed? Are we astounded? Astonished? Do we wake up every morning rather dumbfounded at the blessings God has provided with us? Do we look upon our family and friends and are almost blown away by the love?

More importantly, do we enter into prayer and liturgy with amazement? Do we worship knowing that the unbelievable is believable – that God so loved us He sent His only Son to come among us, teach us, be a model for us, feed us His very Body and Blood, and ultimately take our sins upon Himself so as to destroy death?

Are we amazed?

Today, be amazed at God. Be amazed at Christ, Be amazed at the Holy Spirit. He is our God and He is amazing.


EH headshotElise Hilton is an author, blogger and speaker. Her role at Diocesan Publications is Editor & Writer with the Marketing Team. She has worked in parish faith formation and Catholic education for over 25 years. A passionate student of theology, Elise enjoys sharing her thoughts on parish communication, the role of social media in the Church, Franciscan spirituality and Catholic parenting. To enquire about booking her as a speaker, please contact her at


Do You Want To Be Well?

Do you ever feel like you are just waiting for someone to lift you into God’s healing waters?  What if once cleansed of your ailment, you could return again and again for further assurance of healing, a spiritual refresher?

In today’s Gospel reading from John, we read about a man crippled for over 38 years.  He has long been waiting to experience the healing power of God. This Gospel not only challenged me to consider the remarkable healing power of Christ but also His compassion and mercy.

The Gospel of John, Chapter 5 begins:

One man was there who had been ill for thirty-eight years.
When Jesus saw him lying there
and knew that he had been ill for a long time, he said to him,
“Do you want to be well?’”

The sick man answered him,
“Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool
when the water is stirred up;
while I am on my way, someone else gets down there before me.”

After reflecting on this conversation between the man and Jesus, it occurred to me that there are aspects of my finances dependent on my employer, my health reliant on my doctor and my spiritual well-being conditional on my priest; ultimately the most important dependency is on Jesus.  It is not that my faith in Jesus negates the need for the others: each is an integral part in attaining that particular well-being I desire.  With Jesus, as John’s Gospel illustrates, so much more is possible, including the miraculous:

Jesus said to him, “Get up, pick up your pallet and walk.

Immediately the man became well,

and picked up his pallet and began to walk.

There is Always More with Jesus

At first, today’s Gospel appears to be all about the physical. However, as so often happens when we encounter Christ, there is always more.  We see Jesus’ desire for a deeper connection with us.

After this Jesus found him in the temple area and said to him,
“Look, you are well; do not sin any more,
so that nothing worse may happen to you.”

We see this same occurrence with the man lowered by his friends through the roof to be healed by Jesus.  We see again and again how in healing physical maladies, Jesus demonstrates the authority given to him by God. It is this same power that allows him to forgive sins.  

A Personal Analogy

For the last ten months I have been battling Eczema on my hands.  Eczema is an incurable and chronic ailment. I feel so defeated with those words – incurable and chronic.  There are days when the itch or pain is almost more than I can bear.  In those moments, I am reminded of the long suffering people seeking Jesus’ healing in the Gospels.  Jesus uses their suffering and healing to teach those healed as well as those witnessing the healing,

I prayed for an insight into my current condition.  It was no coincidence that I would have today’s readings to ponder.

Comparing Reconciliation and Chronic Illness

There are remarkable similarities between the eczema on my hands and the sin on my soul. Both need healing. For my hands there are remedies such as medicines and creams; for the soul there is the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

I saw other connections:

  1. The root cause can not always be determined and can lay dormant within somebody for years.
  2. To eradicate it one often needs to investigate deep into oneself to discover the root of the issue.
  3. It is often painful, uncomfortable, embarrassing, and can create anxiety.
  4. In order to be properly healed you need to see a physician.
  5. The longer you put it off that visit,  the more unnecessary suffering you will endure.

I often feel embarrassed and ashamed of my hands and want to hide them, much like being caught in the shame or guilt of sin and wanting to hide from God.  Covering up (either my illness or my sins) does no good in bringing about healing.  My external healing means exposing the skin to the healing properties of the sun, transforms them from broken and useless to whole again.  The Sacrament of Reconciliation, through the healing grace of the Son, radically transforms my soul, healing my spiritual brokenness, making me whole again.  

Broken Skin, Broken Relationships

The hardest part of losing full use of my hands has been communicating with my daughter.  She is profoundly deaf and our family uses American Sign Language to communicate. Since my hands started to bother me last June, I have sometimes felt as if I trying to talk with laryngitis. I am acutely aware that I don’t speak to my daughter as often as I should or as thoroughly due to this. I lament that my disease has, at times, robbed me of the close relationship my daughter and I are privileged to enjoy.

To be fully healed like the man waiting to be lifted into the healing waters, I must be willing to accept the love and mercy of Christ.  When I avoid the Sacrament of Reconciliation, my communication with him is strained, like trying to sign with crippled hands or speak with no voice.  This great authority given to the Son of God is the same bestowed upon our priests through Jesus. We don’t have to wait to receive this healing. While our desire may be physical health, Christ desires so much more for us.

Christ is asking you right now, “Do you want to be well?”


Allison Gingras, founder (RTY);and host of A Seeking Heart on weekdays 10 am ET.   Allison is an writer and inspirational speaker.  She is a contributing author in “The Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion” and the “Created to Relate” Journal and Author of the CareNote from Abbey Press entitled, “Being a Good Enough Parent”.  She presents the Catholic faith lived in the ordinary of everyday life through her experiences and humor.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


Seek Good, Seek God

What wonderful messages from our Lenten readings today! From our first reading by Isaiah we get a sense of the extraordinary life that our Lord promises us and today’s pre-Gospel verse and reading from John provide insight into how to get there. We begin with Isaiah’s reading and the Lord’s promise of a world free from pain and sorry and, instead, full of joy and gladness. It is believed that Isaiah is writing about this utopian world in apocalyptic language and, thus, it should not necessarily be taken literally. Instead, it provides insight into what life could be on earth and what certainly awaits us following our death. God undoubtedly provides us the means to minimize suffering and sadness in our lives and to maximize the wellbeing of all on earth. It is through the teachings and actions of Jesus and his message of love and compassion for others that guide us during this Lenten season and beyond.

Following the teachings of Jesus is not always easy. Our pre-Gospel reading reminds us of that and the importance of not necessarily being perfect and free of evil but, instead, to seek good in all we do. Lent is that pathway in which we reflect on our faults and do what we can to address these and to become the best we can in God’s eyes. And to me that involves doing all I can to not only follow the teachings of Jesus, but to seek out a life based on the example that he provided to us while on earth. Although this is difficult to do and I am certainly not close to perfect, I am reassured that the Lord will accompany me along the way.

John’s reading highlights the healing power of Jesus but, more importantly, addresses the value of faith. As seen in the John’s reading, the royal official wanted Jesus to visit his ill son who was near death in order to save him. Although Jesus healed his son, he chastised the man and others for seeking “signs and wonders” in order to believe. As we progress through Lent, John reminds us of the importance of having faith in the word of God. And rather than coming to God only when we need him, to open up a daily conversation with God and to trust that He will answer our prayers in His way and not necessarily according to our wishes or expectations for He knows us best. The key is to be open to God’s words, to seek good in all we do, and to have faith as we progress through the Lenten season on a journey that will lead to a long, beautiful, and joyous life with God!


Today’s guest blogger is Michael Kavan, currently the Associate Dean for Student Affairs at Creighton University School of Medicine. He is also a psychologist and a Professor of Family Medicine and Professor of Psychiatry. A faculty member at Creighton since 1988, Kavan teaches classes on a variety of topics related to behavioral medicine, depression, anxiety, and interviewing skills for medical students and residents. He also practices psychology at a family medicine clinic.

Kavan says, “I am happily married to my wife, Mary, and we have four daughters ages 22, 21, 18, and 14. I truly enjoy working with medical students and assisting in their professional development. I like to spend time cycling, running, fly fishing, reading, and spending time with my family.”

[This reflection is used by permission from Creighton University’s Collaborative Ministry Office.]


Listen, O Israel!

There is hardly any Christian or even non-Christian who has not heard the two main commandments of the Christian faith: love God and love your neighbor. I am not sure people would say it exactly in that order, but if we were to ask our contemporaries how they would sum up the requirements of Christianity, more or less that’s the kind of answer we would get.

Today’s Gospel reading provides us with a version of it: The first is this: Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is God alone! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind , and with all your strength. The  second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Mk 12:29-31)

The first and most important thing to notice in Jesus’ answer to the scribe’s question is what most people overlook. It is something we easily slip over when we mention this two-fold commandment: “Hear, O Israel! Shema, Israel!” Have we noticed that the ten commandments actually start with this first invitation, like a necessary prelude, almost a commandment in itself? It is a solemn request, coming from God.

Listening to God, therefore, is like a pre-commandment: a condition, a mindset we have to come to in order to fulfill the commandments that follow. Listening becomes the key to understanding their true nature. How can there be love of God “with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength” if you do not first welcome God through the gate of your inner ears, of your heart? How can I love someone I do not know? Someone I have not encountered? Someone I have not listened to?

Furthermore, it is through deep listening to God, especially in prayer, that God enables us to love him and our neighbor with such total love. In my spiritual journey, I have found that one of the most recurrent obstacles in spiritual life – both for Christians who struggle to go deeper and for non-Christians who are attracted to Christianity – is this kind of thought: “This is all great, but it’s just a lofty ideal! Who can attain this perfect love demanded of me? God’s commandments are beautiful but they are too hard to live out.” People give up. Who needs one more burden in our already busy and complicated life? One more heavy requirement? The truly sad spiritual truth is that we give in to this false image of a very demanding God. It is an idol we may inadvertently worship.

If you think about it, a God who is only demanding – or simply demanding first and foremost – would be an unjust God. God cannot be unjust, not only because that would contradict his very nature, but because he is a Father. No good father or mother would first and foremost demand something of their children, without giving first! The very fact of the children’s existence is proof that first comes love, the gift. The children wouldn’t exist had not mom and dad loved each other in that way that is a total gift of self, not just of heart but of body as well, open to the Creator’s gift of life. First comes the gift, then comes the requirement. First comes Love, then the response of Love to that first gratuitous Love. “If you then, who are evil, know how to good give good things to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things…” (Mt 7:11)

Too many Christians live their faith with a kind of underlying disappointment of not being able to live up to the requirements of the Faith. How does this burdensome feeling measure up against the Christian Faith as “Good News?” Could Christ have come only to make us feel worse? Unhappier?  Could He have brought only more burdens to place on our shoulders? Where is the “Good News” then? “Here I am, stuck in my poverty, with my own limits, while God is far away, as lofty in the high heavens as his commandments.” Who needs this kind of faith? How can we evangelize the world if we live under such a burden? The world needs someone to free them from their burdens, not to add more.

The answer to this  dilemma is that we develop a spiritual life in which God is the Giver, that the gift comes first. Grace enables us to live out the commandments; this becomes “our daily bread.” In today’s responsorial psalm God says: “I relieved his shoulder from the burden” (Ps 81:6). God relieves us from our burdens by means of our listening. When we open our hearts to him in prayer, our inner ears to his Word, that is when we are made able to totally love God and our neighbor as ourselves.

“Listen, O Israel” is therefore the key, the gateway to living the commandments. The Father seems to say to us, his sons and daughters, in the gift of the Commandments: “If you listen, my son, if you open wide your ear to my words, I will dwell in you through my only begotten Son, my Word. And the Word will transform you so that you may become my image and likeness, perfect love.”

Will you look at the Father from now on through these eyes? Will you pray in this way from now on? Will you see in listening to him the very way to living out his love?

Fr. Peter Damian, 38, is a native of Romania. Growing up under Ceausescu’s Communist regime, in a Christian Orthodox family, he became Catholic at age 19 after a deep search for Truth. Providence took him  to Italy, where he attended seminary in the Diocese of Massa Carrara-Pontremoli, followed by post-seminary studies in Rome, at the Pontifical Lateran University. He was ordained a priest on April 2nd, 2005, the very same day St. John Paul II went to Heaven. 

After 8 years of priestly service in Italy, he felt called to serve God in the Diocese of Grand Rapids, Michigan. He currently serves as Associate Pastor at Our Lady of Consolation Parish in Rockford, MI.  Fr. Damian has worked in priestly formation and co-directed spiritual retreats in the Ignatian tradition. He enjoys integrating his formation with studies in Spirituality, Catholic Social Teaching, ecumenism, foreign languages and aviation. 


The Devil Really Is in the Details

Spiritual warfare is not a popular topic these days, but it is a relevant one. We read a passage like today’s Gospel, and many of us may respond by thinking, “Thank goodness I don’t live back then!”

But the devil is, sadly, still much at work in our world, and we still need to choose sides in this battle. The lines that Jesus draws here are stark ones. He makes clear, in no uncertain terms, that we are either with him or against him. There is no “in between”.

I won’t deny the reality of demonic possession today, but I don’t think that’s the form that spiritual warfare will take for most of us. For most of us, spiritual warfare will happen in the little moments: when we overhear gossip and have to decide whether or not to change the subject; when we’re tempted to yell at the child who is fighting with his sibling again; when we’re faced with the decision to close our social media apps and say our morning prayers instead.

One of the greatest spiritual battles each of us faces on a daily basis is what St. Josemaria Escriva refers to as “the heroic moment.” St. Josemaria writes, “The heroic moment. It is the time fixed for getting up. Without hesitation: a supernatural reflection and…up!” This can be a daily struggle! Even a simple morning offering, giving our day to God, can help us begin our day with one spiritual battle won. We can trust in God to help us win the rest.

We must choose sides in this battle between heaven and hell. Which side will you choose today?

Do you pray a morning offering prayer? How can you make a point of dedicating each day to God?

Dear Jesus, in the battle between good and evil, give me the grace to always choose you. Amen.


Today’s guest blogger is Michele E. Chronister, a wife, mother, speaker, writer, and catechist. She also serves on the Council for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities through the National Catholic Partnership on Disability. She blogs at This reflection is used with permission from

greatest in heaven

The Greatest In Heaven

We are half-way through Lent – Ash Wednesday was three weeks ago!  So as we review these readings we see that they are providing us with teaching to ready our hearts for the extraordinary events related to Easter.

Throughout the readings today are the themes of wisdom and commandments and laws.  In the first reading from Genesis, Moses advises the Israelites (and us!) to follow the statutes and laws – that is the wise thing to do.  He emphasizes the wisdom and intelligence of this but, of course, it always comes down to our choice.  The decisions are always ours – we have been granted free will.  Of course, we don’t always reflect wisdom with our choices.  Too often we allow the daily temptations to influence us clouding the wisdom of better decisions.

The concept of free will has always fascinated me – why are we allowed to make such poor decisions?  Wouldn’t it be easier if we were “programed” to just make the right decisions?  Then . . . I thought of my children – grown adults now – but my desire is still that they make “right” decisions.  I’ve always wanted them to be guided toward those decisions but to come to them on their own.  I can give rules, share wisdom and experiences, but in the end the choice is theirs.  I would not want them to be robotic without the ability to think, to reason, to want to make the right decisions. So when I consider all of us as children of God, the same thoughts hold true.  It is much more meaningful to make the “right” decisions on my own just as it is to freely embrace God, to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior on my own volition than to be forced or coerced into those beliefs.  It is left to us to decide, knowing the consequences and rewards.

Our gospel is one that we heard on a Sunday a couple of weeks before Lent started. It continues the themes of following laws/commandments.  Jesus points out that He did not come to abolish the laws.  Rather He is here to fulfill the prophets.  He reviews our obligation to follow the commandments. Jesus warns us that those who break the commandments are called least in the kingdom of heaven as are those who cause others to do so.  Conversely, those who follow the commandments will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven. In the next few verses, Jesus explains this further. The challenging part for us now is that as Jesus explains the following of these, He takes it beyond the literal meaning.  Few of us will be guilty of killing another, however, who among us can say they have never been angry with another or treated them in a way that was harmful either physically or emotionally.

Jesus really ups the stakes in His discussion of the commandments as He provides guidance in directing us as to the handling of such situations.  Clearly, we are to atone by making amends to others.  I think about the angels’ proclamation of Peace on Earth – we frequently forget that it was concluded with toward people of good will.  So that is how we are to live: as men and women of good will – not being drawn into the myriad of temptations that await us every day. He advises us to control our bodies and to not allow some of our senses or actions to lead us to a sinful path.  His last admonition is to be truthful – Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’ Anything more is from the evil one. This is in accord with what Moses said in the first reading to follow the statutes and directives While this reading is earlier in Matthew, it certainly lays the groundwork for when Jesus discusses the most important commandments – all of these rules and laws summarized in one phrase: Love your neighbor as yourself.  Such a simple phrase and one that challenges all of us and has since the beginning of time.  Even as we think of Jesus’ first statement in this reading about not coming to abolish the commandments, we can see that in the early writings and rules as found in Leviticus, we were commanded to . . . not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself.

Bottom-line . . .  it hasn’t changed; that is still our directive!! Lent and our preparation for Easter is a perfect time to reflect upon this and give it a try!!


Author Nancy Shirley is  a grateful child of God, wife, mother, nana, and nursing professor. My husband and I met at church and have walked this extraordinary journey together experiencing CEC in 2004 and growing more committed to our beliefs.  In addition to my husband, I am blessed with a wonderful daughter and son, who in turn are blessed with wonderful spouses.  My son’s four children bring us all endless joy and delight. I am on the faculty at Creighton having taught nursing here from 1980-1989 and returning “home” in 2003 to teach nursing at all levels and to administer the undergraduate program. [Today’s reflection is used with permission from Creighton University.]

Art by Gwen Meharg.


How Thirsty Are You?

As we continue in the Lenten season, an image forms in our minds of a desert. Perhaps this is because we hear in the Scriptures that Christ fasted in the desert for forty days and forty nights, but I think the imagery goes deeper than this.

Think back to the Gospel reading from last Sunday where we see a Samaritan woman retrieving water from the well. Here is a woman who is so thirsty, but not necessarily thirsty for physical water. She is thirsty for healing, for hope, for truth, for love.

She has had one broken relationship after another and wants more than anything to be loved and accepted. Jesus engages this woman, doesn’t  judge her or condemn her. But he invites her. He invites her into a relationship and says, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”

All throughout Scripture the number seven is used to denote perfection. The Samaritan woman has had six husbands up to this point who have not given her the love she longs for and the love she deserves. Christ enters the scene as the perfect bridegroom to us all, offering  a relationship that will truly satisfy. He says, “Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst; the water that I shall give will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Here is bridegroom number seven – perfectly fulfilling his promise of true love.

Now put yourself into this story. Ask yourself honestly how you will respond to this invitation from Christ. Will you try to hide the hurt in your life? Will you continue to draw water from a well that will never satisfy? Or will you humble yourself – like the Samaritan woman – and allow Christ to pour his life-giving water into your heart? Happy Lent!


Change LentTommy Shultz is Diocesan Publication’s Solutions Evangelist. He is also a full time speaker who was most recently the Director of youth and young adult ministries for the Diocese of Baker, OR. As an experienced speaker on all things Catholic, he has addressed thousands of teens and young adults on topics such as the Sacraments, chastity, and boldly living the Catholic faith. He has given many talks and hosted retreats across the nation. Driven by his passion for Theology of the Body, Tommy studied at the Theology of the Body Institute and has spoken at numerous Theology of the Body conferences. From 2012-2013, he served as a missionary of purity, speaking to over 20 thousand youth about the message of purity across the state of Pennsylvania. He is also a founder of the Corpus Christi Theology of the Body campus organization at Franciscan University. To book Tommy for an event or for further information please visit

trust obedience

Trusting in the Other Side of Obedience


“Behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sons.” When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the lord had commanded him and took his wife into his home.” – Mat. 1:17- 24

Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity  of Saint Joseph. Little is known about Joseph, and no words of his are recorded in Scripture. We do know that he was a man of love, faith and obedience. In his human frailty, he must also have experienced fear and doubt.

In fact, scripture tells us that when Joseph discovered that the Blessed Virgin Mary was pregnant he decided to divorce her quietly until an angel appeared to him. How was Joseph able to change his mind and be obedient to God’s call, rather than believing his dream was perhaps the result of rotten goat’s milk before bed?  Looking at Scripture again, Joseph is described as “a righteous man.” Righteous, selfless and obedient, Joseph stepped out in faith, supporting Mary and God’s plan for their family.

“Someone’s faith stands on the other side of our obedience,” a friend commented after Bible study years ago. His comment remains with me, bubbling to the surface when questions arise in my faith or trials last longer than it seems I can possibly bear.

Marriage is a great platform for faith and obedience. In this Sacrament, husband and wife vow to remain faithful for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.” The grace of this Sacrament compels spouses to stay true to these promises “until death do us part.” So when tough times come – and they will  – I can stand firm, trusting in God’s plan of salvation and knowing that my obedience is planting seeds not only for today, but for our family in generations yet to come, just as generations past impact us today.

God led Joseph and Mary down one unexpected path after another. They knew their son was special, yet instead of being prideful, Joseph and Mary showed great humility in following Jewish law. They took their son to the temple in Jerusalem, just as all Jewish parents at that time did with their firstborn sons.

At this presentation, Simeon’s faith was rewarded specifically because of Joseph and Mary’s obedience. “Every male that opens the womb shall be consecrated to the Lord.” Simeon, being a righteous man, had trust in the Lord’s promise that he should not see death before he had seen the Messiah of the Lord.” Simeon’s faith was standing on the other side of Joseph and Mary’s obedience.

On this celebration of Saint Joseph and throughout the Lenten season, let us ask our Lord to strengthen our faith and help us to grow in love, which bears the fruit of obedience. Staying close to Jesus on our journey, we will hear the voice of the Holy Spirit telling us when to act and which way to go. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, pray for us.


Amy Oatley is a wife, mother, and Secular Franciscan (OFS), passionate about social justice, advocating for the dignity of every human life. She encounters Christ through Prison and Jail Ministry in the Diocese of Grand Rapids and as a Sidewalk Advocate for Life. A journalist for the past thirty years, she is currently a freelance writer for FAITH Magazine and works at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish. Her home parish is Our Lady of Consolation in Rockford, Michigan.

Who Is Your Cornerstone?

“Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:

‘The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
by the Lord has this been done,
and it is wonderful in our eyes?’” – Matthew 21:42

The “cornerstone” (or foundation stone) concept is derived from the first stone set in the construction of a masonry foundation, making it very important since all other stones will be set in reference to this stone, thus determining the position of the entire structure.  In modern construction, the cornerstone is now primarily symbolic and decorative in nature. Over time a cornerstone became a ceremonial masonry stone, or replica, set in a prominent location on the outside of a building, with an inscription on the stone indicating the construction dates of the building and the names of architect, builder, and other significant individuals.

For us to understand the significance of today’s Gospel, we need to return to the more ancient understanding.  The cornerstone was the reference point or the determining factor regarding the position of all the other stones and thus the entire building.  

As we ponder today’s readings, we are to ask ourselves whether we are willing to build our lives upon the one who was rejected, despised, and who was killed.  Yes, Jesus was the Father’s beloved Son, but are we willing to make him our beloved?

Are we willing to let Jesus Christ become the cornerstone of our lives and our discipleship?  Will we let Him determine the position of all the “stones” or aspects that form all that we are and all that we do?

It won’t be easy, because if Jesus was rejected it is quite likely that we will as well.  We may have friends and relatives who think we are just a bit “radical” for a modern day Christian.  We may hold views and see the world with in ways that co-workers and neighbors find dangerous or antithetical to our culture. We may seem out of touch or behind the times.  We may find ourselves despised and rejected in order to live for and with Christ.

This comprises what it means to be part of what the Lord is doing and wishes to do in and with the lives of His disciples.  Even if we as disciples look like an “ill-formed building” to the world around us because we are built on the Jesus Christ as our cornerstone, may we find peace in the knowledge that we are wonderful in the eyes of God.

Today take some time to pray for perseverance to live out your faith as a stone firmly set on Christ the cornerstone.

Lord Jesus Christ, I believe in You as my God and my Savior. Make me more faithful to Your Gospel and commandments. By sharing in the Eucharist, may I come to live more fully the life You have given me. Keep Your Love alive within my heart and soul so that I may live my discipleship worthily and well.  Amen.


fr ron headshotFr. Ron Hutchinson is the director of priestly vocations ( and the director of continuing formation for clergy.  He has been a priest of the Diocese of Grand Rapids for 23 years.