Children of God

Let’s face it, sometimes what the Lord asks of us is just downright TOUGH. We are supposed to be holy and good, generous and kind, patient and prudent. And as if that’s not hard enough, during Lent we are also asked to practice self-control and self-denial. UGH! Just give me a latte and some chocolate right now, because I don’t know if I can do this!

Yet today’s readings give us a spark of hope. Despite the fact that what He asks of us is difficult, it always results in a greater gift. 

The First Reading says: “Today you are making this agreement with the LORD: he is to be your God and you are to walk in his ways and observe his statutes, commandments and decrees, and to hearken to his voice” (Dt 26:17).

That is the tough part. But listen to what comes next: “you are to be a people peculiarly his own, as he promised you…he will then raise you high in praise and renown and glory, above all other nations he has made, and you will be a people sacred to the LORD, your God” (Dt 26:18-19).

What an incredible promise! What is a little self-sacrifice compared to being special and sacred to God!?

And again in the Gospel, he says “So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt5:48). But the payoff is sweet: “that you may be children of your heavenly Father” (Mt 5:45). My Dad always used to tell me that God can never be outdone in generosity, and today’s readings show us the perfect example. We are asked to put forth a little effort, yet His rewards are everlasting.

Tami Urcia spent early young adulthood as a missionary in Mexico, while simultaneously studying Theology and Philosophy in Spanish. She has worked in Family Life Ministry at both the diocesan and parish levels. She currently works for Diocesan, is a freelance translator and blogger. She and her Peruvian husband are raising their children bilingual and love sharing reflections of life, love and everything in between. Find out more about her here: