He Has Done All Things Well

In today’s Gospel we hear of the compassion of Christ once again. A man who is deaf and has a speech impediment is brought to Christ and, moved with compassion, Christ heals him. Perhaps the man that Christ heals is a metaphor for us. In a homily about this Gospel, Pope St. Gregory the Great notes that dumbness is often associated with deafness because, without being able to hear it is difficult to learn how to speak. He then applies that same message to the Good News of Christ; if our ears are not open to His Word, how can we share it with others? Christ removes the man’s speech impediment and opens his ears. How often do we ourselves struggle to speak the Gospel confidently or hear and truly listen to the truth of the Gospel? When we find ourselves in situations which are difficult to share the Good News, do we ask Christ to heal us from our speech impediment and to grant us the courage to share His Word? 

In the First Reading from Genesis we see the consequences of closing our ears to the words of God. It is the story of Adam and Eve and the Fall. Rather than listening to the command of God to not eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, they close their ears to Him choosing instead to listen to the voice of the serpent. This choice led Adam and Eve away from God and caused them so much shame that they hid themselves from the Lord. 

God’s words and commands for us are always for our own good. He loves us and desires for us to be in full communion with Him. As the Gospel says, “He has done all things well” and creating us for life with Him is one of the things He has done well. 

May our hearts and ears always be open to the voice of the Lord so we can speak His Word with courage. 

Open our heart, O Lord, to listen to the words of your Son.

Contact the author

Dakota currently lives in Denver, CO and teaches English Language Development and Spanish to high schoolers. She is married to the love of her life, Ralph. In her spare time, she reads, goes to breweries, and watches baseball. Dakota’s favorite saints are St. John Paul II (how could it not be?) and St. José Luis Sánchez del Río. She is passionate about her faith and considers herself blessed at any opportunity to share that faith with others. Check out more of her writing at https://dakotaleonard16.blogspot.com.

Feature Image Credit: Hannah Wernecke, https://unsplash.com/photos/8mqaLDl95I4


Healing is again the focus in the Gospel today. Jesus heals all with no exceptions to the understood or unwritten norms and social concepts of the time.

In his Monday address to the ambassadors to the Holy See, Pope Francis said ‘the world is facing crises in five areas: in health, in the environment, on economic and social issues, in politics, and in human relationships.’ Our world needs healing, our human interactions need healing in so many ways and in so many circumstances. I do too.

My pastor has emphasized the need for deep healing, the kind that comes from the hand of Jesus and His Divine Spirit. The sins, omissions and tacit consents that are embedded deep in the heart which blind me to the indifference and abuse of the integrity of all that God has created in this world, I need to bring into my awareness and confessions.

It is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes  and the 29th World Day to Pray for the Sick. There are several resources below including a virtual tour of Lourdes and a 30 minute prayer service celebrating this day of prayer for the sick.

I ask that you pray with me the words St. John Paul II wrote in 2004 for the intercession of our Blessed Virgin Mother, the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Lourdes. Let us pray,

To Mary, Mother of tender love,

we wish to entrust all those

who are ill in body and soul,

that she may sustain them in hope.

We ask her also to help us to be welcoming

to our sick brothers and sisters.

Hail Mary, poor and humble Woman,

Blessed by the Most High!

Virgin of hope, dawn of a new era,

We join in your song of praise,

to celebrate the Lord’s mercy,

to proclaim the coming of the Kingdom

and the full liberation of humanity.

Hail Mary, lowly handmaid of the Lord,

Glorious Mother of Christ!

Faithful Virgin, holy dwelling-place of the Word,

Teach us to persevere in listening to the Word,

and to be docile to the voice of the Spirit,

attentive to His promptings in the depths of our conscience

and to His manifestations in the events of history.

Hail Mary, Woman of sorrows,

Mother of the living!

Virgin spouse beneath the Cross, the new Eve,

Be our guide along the paths of the world.

Teach us to experience and to spread the love of Christ,

to stand with you before the innumerable crosses

on which your Son is still crucified.

Hail Mary, woman of faith,

First of the disciples!

Virgin Mother of the Church, help us always

to account for the hope that is in us,

with trust in human goodness and the Father’s love.

Teach us to build up the world beginning from within:

in the depths of silence and prayer,

in the joy of fraternal love,

in the unique fruitfulness of the Cross.

Holy Mary, Mother of believers,

Our Lady of Lourdes,

pray for us. Amen

Pope Francis’ message for the 29th world day of Prayer for the Sick

World Day of the Sick Prayer Service 2021

29th World Day of Prayer for the Sick

Prayer Cards for the Sick, for Caregivers

Virtual Tour of Lourdes, France

Contact the author

Beth Price is part of the customer care team at Diocesan. She brings a unique depth of experience to the group due to her time spent in education, parish ministries, sales and the service industry over the last 25 yrs. She is a practicing spiritual director as well as a Secular Franciscan (OFS). Beth is quick to offer a laugh, a prayer or smile to all she comes in contact with. Reach her here bprice@diocesan.com.

Feature Image Credit: Aarón Blanco Tejedor, https://unsplash.com/photos/QUGWB1kqjQI

The Good From Within

“Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come out from within are what defile” (Mark 7:15).

These words, powerful words of Christ Jesus, shake the cage I have recently placed myself in. In such a time of emotional, political, and physical anxiety, it is easy to place oneself in a separate place from the turmoil. I have heard many people tell me that they are becoming more secluded, physically and emotionally, due to all of the hurt and hate they are witnessing across the globe and in their own lives. They find themselves angrily lashing out, letting sadness and anger win, leading to both destructive conversations and self-destructive actions. 

Over a year ago, Pope Francis tweeted, “Loneliness is not overcome by closing in on ourselves, but by crying out to the Lord, for the Lord hears the cry of those who find themselves alone.” 

Today, nearly a year into a pandemic of loneliness, we are once again reminded that everything we are witnessing in our lives does not and should not be the way we give witness to our faith. 

Today’s reading reminds me that I am in control of my actions, of my reactions, even when I feel as though my situation is out of my control. I am reminded that I, as a truly beloved child of my Almighty Father, can only control how I respond to outside forces. Only I can decide the amount of love I put forth onto others and I can make this decision no matter what is happening around me. I am reminded that it is not the turmoil of the world that decides for me, but the strength of my faith and promise of love. 

In a world where so much feels and truly is out of our control, it is up to us to decide whether we allow the peace and joy of our God to shine from our words, our thoughts, our interactions… We can choose not to let our own sadness and anger bleed into others’ lives. Either way, we can no longer tell ourselves that it is the world that turns our hearts away from the Lord. 

As we reflect upon this and stand a week from Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, I ask you to think of your words and actions. Make the conscious effort to reflect your loving God in all that you do. Give a true witness to your faith to those around you. Do not let the sadness, fear, and anger win.

Contact the author

Veronica Alvarado is a born and raised Texan currently living in Michigan. Since graduating from Texas A&M University, Veronica has published various articles in the Catholic Diocese of Austin’s official newspaper, the Catholic Spirit, and other local publications. She now works as the Content Specialist in Diocesan’s Web Department.

Feature Image Credit: Josh Boot, https://unsplash.com/photos/2×19-mRQgX8

Empty Rituals

In today’s Gospel, Jesus reprimands the Pharisees for their criticism of the Apostles not properly washing their hands before their meal. Jesus is not necessarily saying that the rituals the Pharisees practice are bad in and of themselves. What He is truly criticizing is the emptiness of their rituals. He references Isaiah’s prophecy that, “This people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me.”  Christ calls the Pharisees hypocrites because, while they follow the ritual, they do so without love in their hearts for God. They merely go through the actions rather than doing so with love and honor for the Father. 

How often do we fall into the same pattern as the Pharisees in today’s Gospel? Do we go to Mass and spend more time internally criticizing the young man in a football jersey and jeans than we do contemplating the Word of God? Do we truly meditate on the words of the Eucharistic prayer or are we thinking about our brunch order? 

This is what I find myself doing (especially during the Eucharistic prayer). I’ve heard it so many times that I often allow it to just wash over me rather than giving my all to Christ in that moment. Then, when I look at the words that are being said it hits me how important it is to not allow ourselves to fall into empty rituals: “We give you praise, Father most holy, for you are great, and you have fashioned all your works in wisdom and in love. You formed man in your own image and entrusted the whole world to his care, so that in serving you alone, the Creator, he might have dominion over all creatures.” This is what we might hear during the Eucharist prayer. What beautiful words that come directly from the Creation story in Genesis that we hear as today’s First Reading. When I go to Mass merely going through the motions, I don’t notice those connections; I take for granted the love with which these rituals were made and the love that God has for each and every one of us. The purpose of our rituals–the sacraments and our prayers–is to demonstrate our love, true devotion, and gratitude for God who is our Creator and Savior. 

May we go about our devotions with great intentionality and allow the love of God to permeate all that we do.

Contact the author

Dakota currently lives in Denver, CO and teaches English Language Development and Spanish to high schoolers. She is married to the love of her life, Ralph. In her spare time, she reads, goes to breweries, and watches baseball. Dakota’s favorite saints are St. John Paul II (how could it not be?) and St. José Luis Sánchez del Río. She is passionate about her faith and considers herself blessed at any opportunity to share that faith with others. Check out more of her writing at https://dakotaleonard16.blogspot.com.

Feature Image Credit: Jacob Bentzinger, https://unsplash.com/photos/jYQ-QxkrFpc

How Good is the Good God

In today’s readings, I can almost feel the excitement and the joy of God as he created the heavens and the earth “in the beginning.” We feel pride and satisfaction when we create something as simple as a poem, a photo on our phones, a new dish to please a friend, or a wall in our home tastefully decorated with family photos. There is a warmth in our hearts as we share something beautiful and meaningful with others. Something we conceptualized and made ourselves. 

“And God saw how good it was….” The world is beautiful, and it is God’s magnificence that is revealed in all that God has created, from the tallest mountain to the tiniest flower. 

In the Gospel, Jesus is creating health, wholeness, goodness, healing. His touch is returning people to community. His touch is making sad faces smile, and filling burdened hearts with laughter. Gratitude is streaming through the people as they scurry about to share Jesus’ love with as many people as possible.

How good is the good God.

When you are creating, healing, holding, you are radiating the goodness of the God who creates, heals, and restores us to life and holds us in his love. 

These days there is much reason for our eyes to be filled with tears and our hearts broken with sorrow. Let us be God-like and not allow the darkness to blind our eyes to the truth of the good God’s heart who is even now unfolding his giving love, bringing about the reign of his heart. 

When I feel alone today, I think I will try to remember that God has personally walked this earth as Creator and Redeemer for me, for us. Today’s Gospel reminds me that Jesus personally reached into the lives of the broken in order to reassure them that their creation was no accident, and nothing can hinder the meaning of their lives. We are each created by the hand of God, saved by the life of Jesus, and sanctified by the breath of the Spirit. 

How good the good God is.  

Contact the author

Sr. Kathryn J. HermesKathryn James Hermes, FSP, is the author of the newly released title: Reclaim Regret: How God Heals Life’s Disappointments, by Pauline Books and Media. An author and spiritual mentor, she offers spiritual accompaniment for the contemporary Christian’s journey towards spiritual growth and inner healing. She is the director of My Sisters, where people can find spiritual accompaniment from the Daughters of St. Paul on their journey. Website: www.touchingthesunrise.com Public Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/srkathrynhermes/ For monthly spiritual journaling guides, weekly podcasts and over 50 conferences and retreat programs join my Patreon community: https://www.patreon.com/srkathryn.

Feature Image Credit: dae jeung kim, https://pixabay.com/photos/egret-flying-fog-dawn-sunrise-5937499/

Life is a Drudgery

Wow, so the First Reading from today is pretty depressing, huh? Just the words we need to shock us out of any sadness or anxiety that we may be dealing with. As a classic optimist, I was tempted to go right past the First Reading and focus on something else, but I kept getting drawn back to it.

The following is the optimist’s take on one of the most depressing passages in Scripture. First, what is drudgery? I had to look up the word, because I knew it sounded bad. Scripture is comparing our lives on earth to hard, menial or dull work. At first glance this just sounds negative, but put it in relation to all of existence, and it makes sense.

Sometimes we wander through this life, or I know that I do, thinking that this is the best of the best. We try to make this earthly life as amazing as possible because it is what we know, and it’s hard to imagine anything else. But the good news is that this is just the beginning. God had so much planned for us, we screwed it up, he fixed it, and promises even more than the original plan.

What a loving God we have. Now all of this is hard to realize because all we know right now is our experience, but I have found it very helpful to take moments throughout the day to realize the place God has made for us in heaven. This life can be amazing, it doesn’t all have to be hard, menial or dull work, but even the best of moments is nothing compared to what God has in store for us. We are eating the scraps when God promises the feast. This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from C.S. Lewis.  

“It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.” -C.S. Lewis

If we are offered infinite joy, then that should shape everything we do. Even the mundane and boring times in this life become meaningful to us because they are one step closer to our ultimate destiny, eternal life. We have a tradition in the Catholic Church of remembering that we will die someday. We are reminded of this on Ash Wednesday. The First Reading clearly points to this. But I say we should remember that someday we will fully live. That should shape everything we do and how we treat others. From all of us here at Rodzinka Ministry, God bless!

Contact the author

Tommy Shultz is the Founder/Director of Rodzinka Ministry and the Director of Faith Formation for the North Allegan Catholic Collaborative. In these roles, he is committed to bringing all those he meets into a deeper relationship with Christ. Tommy has a heart and flair for inspiring people to live their faith every day. He has worked in various youth ministry, adult ministry, and diocesan roles. He has been a featured speaker at retreats and events across the country. With a degree in Theology from Franciscan University, Tommy hopes to use his knowledge to help all people understand the beauty of The Faith. Contact Tommy at tommy@rodzinkaministry.com or check out his website at rodzinkaministry.com.

Feature Image Credit: Pedro Gabriel Miziara, https://unsplash.com/photos/HVwLvZYw6O4

Moved with Pity

“When He disembarked and saw the vast crowd, His heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and He began to teach them many things.” Mark 6:34

As humans we are called to greatness, to sainthood. How often do we look around during our journey at the needs of others? I know it is really hard for me to slow down, so I can struggle with being attentive to others and just being with them where they are at (especially when I am facing my own struggles). With my anxiety it is hard to slow down the thoughts in my head and take in my surroundings, no matter how hard I try to slow down those thoughts and focus on the person in front of me.

Today’s Gospel reminds us that it is so important to look outward rather than just looking inward at ourselves. We are called to love God and love our neighbors, and we live like Christ when we serve others. When Jesus gets off the boat He sees all the people that are waiting for Him, and He is “moved with pity for them”. He knows their hearts, that they are lost and in need of a Savior. Jesus could have waited to begin serving the people, taking a break from all of his own tasks and traveling, but He chose love first and foremost. He put the needs of others before His own and met them where they were at. He chose others before Himself for His entire life, on the Cross, and continues to love us first today.

While it is important to take care of ourselves, for we truly can’t serve others if we don’t receive the faith ourselves, we must share the gifts God gives us with those around us. In a world where it is the easy road to look down rather than around, let us be the light on a hill, true Christians that reach out to our brothers and sisters with selfless hearts. Not only will God share His love with them through you, but you will also be filled with the joy of Christ through this genuine gift of self.

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” C.S. Lewis

Contact the author

Nathalie Shultz is a joyful convert to the Catholic faith with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).  She loves to share her passion for Catholicism with others, including her conversion story and how God continues to work miracles in her life through her OCD. She is a high school special education teacher, and she is married to her best friend, Tommy Shultz. Her favorite saints include St. Peter the Apostle, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Maximilian Kolbe, and St. John Paul II.  She is also a huge fan of C.S. Lewis. If you have any questions for Nathalie, or just want her to pray for you, you can email her at nathalie.e.shultz@gmail.com.

Feature Image Credit:  Catholic link Español, https://www.cathopic.com/photo/6226-misericordia

Leading Others to Christ

The First Reading, a letter to Hebrews, reminds us of the importance of our Christian witness. The Holy Scripture reminds us to always welcome strangers, keep others in mind and hold up a moral code that respects our belief system, including the importance of marriage. These instructions are summed up with the powerful verse, “Remember your leaders, who preached the word of God to you, and as you reflect on the outcome of their lives, take their faith as your model. Jesus Christ is the same today as he was yesterday, and he will be forever.” (Hebrew 13:7-8). This call to rise above all immoral behavior no matter what and to be holy. 

In the Gospel Reading today, we see how vastly different King Herod compares to Jesus Christ. Herod used his power and influence to indulge in his own desires, gratification, and ultimately his choices that lead to John the Baptist’s brutal death. King Herod used his affluence and power to hold wild parties and opportunities for immoral behavior. Herodias, the wife of Herold, sadly used her daughter to not only sexually please her very own husband and the crowd, but this young girl’s reward was the head of John the Baptist on a platter! What a shocking and disgusting request. Sin leads down a path of darkness, while our faith leads us to a life rooted in Christ.

Today’s readings reveal the importance of being a leader that leads others to Christ, for our Lord is the same today, tomorrow, and forever.

Contact the author

Emily Jaminet is a Catholic author, speaker, radio personality, wife, and mother of seven children. She earned a bachelor’s degree in mental health and human services from the Franciscan University of Steubenville.  She is the co-founder of www.inspirethefaith.com and the Executive Director of The Sacred Heart Enthronement Network www.WelcomeHisHeart.com. She has co-authored several Catholic books and her next one, Secrets of the Sacred Heart: Claiming Jesus’ Twelve Promises in Your Life, comes out in Oct. 2020. Emily serves on the board of the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference, contributes to Relevant Radio and Catholic Mom.com.

Feature Image Credit: Jesus Rodrigo Rodrigo, https://www.cathopic.com/photo/1264-luz-evangelio

Sent on Mission

Take only a walking stick and sandals. I’ll be honest, I don’t know if I could do it! Jesus thinks of everything I would try to stuff in my pockets or layer up so I had some mental security about how I would sleep that night. Just reading these directions fills me up with “What ifs.” And, I would imagine, my concerns are precisely what Jesus wants to dispel from His disciples. 

Jesus, the Son of God, gave the disciples authority over demons and the charge to preach the Word of God he taught them. Their whole purpose, their reason for going into these towns, was because the Son of God had commissioned them to go. Their mission was not their own. They weren’t traveling for pleasure or business or because they had some personal stake in the venture. They were sent, with clear and distinct purpose. 

To further emphasize the unique quality of this mission, Jesus insists that they place their bodily security in the hands of God the Father as well. The extreme reliance on God’s Providence further encouraged them to realize that their mission was one of Godly proportions. This was no ordinary jaunt through the countryside.

Jesus continues to send disciples today. Though the methods and directions of the sending may look different from the original ones He gave the disciples, the message and purpose has not changed. We are each uniquely called by Christ in baptism. From this calling, we are each uniquely sent out into the world to bear witness to the Good News. 

It would be wise, especially as Lent approaches, to consider what we are choosing to carry with us as we walk in mission for Jesus. Have we become weighed down by the trappings of the world, our business endeavors, an overemphasis on social media, politics or technology? If Jesus were to speak to you today, what would He insist you bring along on the mission He has for you? What would He insist you leave behind? 

As a way to discern the answers to these questions, consider incorporating a weekly fast into your routine. For just one week (Sunday excluded), select one fast. Then, select a new one for the following week. Some examples would be refrain from social media scrolling, no desserts/sweets, no alcohol, refrain from eating between meals, no unplanned spending, or not using the snooze button on your alarm. What is challenging to leave behind? What is an easy fast? Use that knowledge to help you discern the things you are clinging a little too tightly to, the things that maybe Jesus is calling you to let go of so you can be a more effective evangelist for His Kingdom. 

Contact the author

Kate Taliaferro is an Air Force wife and mother. She is blessed to be able to homeschool, bake bread and fold endless piles of laundry. When not planning a school day, writing a blog post or cooking pasta, Kate can be found curled up with a book or working with some kind of fiber craft. Kate blogs at DailyGraces.net.

Feature Image Credit: danielkirsch, https://pixabay.com/photos/shoe-broken-old-sandal-flip-flop-4321178/

Our Tangible Faith

Today is the feast of St. Blaise. Many will find themselves driving to church to seek the traditional blessing of the throats. Two candles tied together with a ribbon somehow give us comfort that we will be protected from infirmity. 

Perhaps we need this blessing this year more than ever, both physically and emotionally. We need that tangible reminder that God is with us, that he longs to heal us, and that his saints are interceding for us in heaven.

Around Christmastime, my husband and I found out that we were expecting our fifth child. And while we are overjoyed at the thought of another little one entering our family, we are also a little concerned. We are both in our early forties and we ask ourselves, will I have the stamina to keep up with them all? How will we homeschool with a baby? Oh my goodness, I will be 60 before the baby is even 20! How will I get through this pregnancy if I’m not even in my second trimester yet and I’m already exhausted?

So many thoughts and so many questions running through our heads. Yet, somehow, the joy of a new life overshadows it all. Many mornings my husband will draw near and give my tummy gentle massages and tell me how excited he is. Every day my four year old rubs my belly and says “hello little baby”, and often insists that it should come out now. And whether it be another boy to add to our little soccer team, our our first little princess, we are joined together in love for this new creation. 

It’s amazing how much the tangible symbols of our Catholic faith touch us. Just as we find comfort in the two candles touching our necks today, we also find joy and peace in the other sacraments. Whether it be something as palpable as a new life as a fruit of the sacrament of marriage, or something as hidden as Christ in the Eucharist, the physical elements that surround us enrich us greatly. 

On this feast of St. Blaise, I pray that God free you of all ailments and that you also find comfort in all the life-changing sacraments our Church has to offer. 

Contact the author

Tami Urcia grew up in Western Michigan, a middle child in a large Catholic family. She spent early young adulthood as a missionary in Mexico, studying theology and philosophy, then worked and traveled extensively before finishing her Bachelor’s Degree in Western Kentucky. She loves tackling home improvement projects, finding fun ways to keep her four boys occupied, quiet conversation with the hubby and finding unique ways to love. She works at her parish, is a guest blogger on CatholicMom.com and BlessedIsShe.net, runs her own blog at https://togetherandalways.wordpress.com and has been doing Spanish translations on the side for almost 20 years.

Feature Image Credit: James Coleman, https://unsplash.com/photos/K_7LhiTWpFc

My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation!

Today is the 25th anniversary of the day of prayer for women and men in consecrated life, instituted in 1997 by Pope Saint John Paul II. The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord is a beautiful day to celebrate the gift of consecrated life in the Church. In the liturgy for the Feast of the Presentation, candles are blessed symbolizing Christ who is the light of the world, and those who have consecrated their lives to God are called to reflect the light of Christ to the world. (The observance of the World Day of Consecrated Life in the US has been transferred to the following Sunday.)

One of the key figures who appears in the Gospel today is Simeon. Of all the people in the Temple that day when Mary and Joseph brought Jesus there to present him to the Lord, only Simeon and Anna recognized the baby as the longed-for Messiah. Luke states three times that Simeon was a man immersed in the power of the Holy Spirit. “The Holy Spirit was upon him,” he knew that he wouldn’t see death before he had seen the Christ of the Lord “because it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit.” And finally, that day, “he came in the Spirit to the temple.”

Simeon lived under the guidance and impulse of the Spirit so he could see things that others could not. He could see and proclaim what God was doing. He could see how grace was at work. “My eyes have seen your salvation,” he cried out. Can you imagine the joy of this old man that the mystery he had waited for decades to touch was now held in his arms. 

Last year, on this day, Pope Francis reflected upon Simeon’s words at a Mass celebrated for Religious. I want to use them as the basis for my thoughts here with you. In the dark and chaotic situation in our world today, all of us need to be able to see salvation, to see in our life God’s faithful gift, to witness God’s love at work in the world.

My eyes have seen your salvation! God’s gift even in moments of darkness and powerlessness. It is the tempter that tries to keep us focused on what hasn’t been, what we’ve lost, what we’ve been unjustly deprived of. 

My eyes have seen your salvation! God’s gift in fragility and weakness. It is the tempter who hides the light and whispers to us: “You are no good. God can’t love you. Look at how little you love God. What have you done for him?”

Pope Francis described what happens to us, “We no longer see the Lord in everything, but only the dynamics of the world, and our hearts grow numb.  Then we become creatures of habit, pragmatic, while inside us sadness and distrust grow, that turn into resignation.”

To see correctly, to see in truth, we need to be like Simeon, we need to be able to perceive God’s grace for us. We need to see salvation, to look at what God is doing.

Instead of focusing on thoughts and feelings about what is happening in our lives and within our hearts, thoughts and feelings that disorient us, Simeon shows us how to be led by the Spirit, inspired by the Spirit, filled with the Spirit. It takes a lot of courage to turn our eyes away from ourselves, to turn our attention away from the tempter and to lift them instead to the Lord. It takes courage to believe that God is at work even when everything we see around us seems to be falling apart.

On this Feast of the Presentation, even if you can’t get to church for Mass, light a candle, be warmed by the flame, be filled with the light that burns bravely in the darkness and braves even the wind…. May this candle remind you to see the Lord, the Light of the World, in everything. May it remind you that your life is happiest when it revolves around God’s grace. Courageously hold up the candle to a window, in front of the newspaper or your Twitter account or Facebook page and proclaim, “My eyes have seen, O Lord, your salvation!”

Contact the author

Sr. Kathryn J. HermesKathryn James Hermes, FSP, is the author of the newly released title: Reclaim Regret: How God Heals Life’s Disappointments, by Pauline Books and Media. An author and spiritual mentor, she offers spiritual accompaniment for the contemporary Christian’s journey towards spiritual growth and inner healing. She is the director of My Sisters, where people can find spiritual accompaniment from the Daughters of St. Paul on their journey. Website: www.touchingthesunrise.com Public Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/srkathrynhermes/ For monthly spiritual journaling guides, weekly podcasts and over 50 conferences and retreat programs join my Patreon community: https://www.patreon.com/srkathryn.

Feature Image Credit: Arent de Gelder, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Take Comfort

It’s St. Brigid’s feast day in Ireland and the first day of spring, too. I’m a third generation immigrant. This means I have two U.S.-born parents but at least one foreign-born grandparent, I think. My Dad was adopted when he was 5 days old. The woman I knew as grandma was born in Ireland. I’ve many fond memories and a shared love of tea from Grandma B which gives me great comfort.

Praying with and reflecting on the readings today have taken me on a challenging path. I get so caught up in the noise and distraction of this world and the many situations which seem to continue to develop and fester without clear direction or resolution. This seems to mirror what is written about in the First Reading. The last two lines stand out, “Yet all these, though approved because of their faith, did not receive what had been promised. God had foreseen something better for us, so that without us they should not be made perfect.”

Ok, God’s got something better in mind. That’s comforting, yet, frustrating in the moment, especially since the time that it takes for a resolution to present itself is in God’s time not mine. The Responsorial Psalm reminds me to take comfort, all who hope in the Lord. I have to remember to offer the situations to God, and to focus on how I can bring his healing presence into the world through my actions and prayers.

The chains and shackles do not restrain or help the man in which ‘Legion’ lives in the Gospel scene. Could the man represent our world and the social situations which continue to challenge and injure humanity? I believe so. I believe that Jesus can heal our world and social situations as He healed the man in this scripture passage.

Below I’ve compiled some resources that gave me some comfort in realizing I’m not alone in feeling out of sorts about the world right now. Say this prayer to St Brigid, to bring comfort today.

Brigid, you were a woman of peace. You brought harmony where there was conflict. You brought light to the darkness. You brought hope to the downcast. May the mantle of your peace cover those who are troubled and anxious, and may peace be firmly rooted in my heart and in the world. Inspire me to act justly and to reverence all God has made. You were a voice for the wounded and the weary. Strengthen what is weak within me. Calm me into a quietness that heals and listens. May I grow each day into greater wholeness in mind, body and spirit.  Amen.

How a Year Without Hugs Affects Our Mental Health
Prayers during the Pandemic
Moral Injury, Volunteers of America
Truth be Told

Contact the author

Beth Price is part of the customer care team at Diocesan. She brings a unique depth of experience to the group due to her time spent in education, parish ministries, sales and the service industry over the last 25 yrs. She is a practicing spiritual director as well as a Secular Franciscan (OFS). Beth is quick to offer a laugh, a prayer or smile to all she comes in contact with. Reach her here bprice@diocesan.com.

Feature Image Credit: Kovah, https://unsplash.com/photos/yUv9_l1s3aM