Fishers of Men

Today, we celebrate the Feast of Saint Andrew, an apostle of Christ. In the readings, we see Saint Andrew called from his father’s boat along with his more celebrated brother, Saint Peter, and the sons of Thunder, Saints James and John.

Though his role is seemingly insignificant compared to his brother, according to the Gospel of St. John, St. Andrew is one of the first evangelists, and without his witness, the gospels would have played out very differently. As a follower of St. John the Baptist, St. Andrew met Jesus early in his public ministry and led a very important convert to him:

“John was standing with two of his disciples. He looked at Jesus as he walked and said, ‘Behold the Lamb of God!’ The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus… One of the two who heard John speak, and followed him was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. He first found his brother Simon and said to him, ‘We have found the Messiah.’” (John 1:35-37, 40-41)

St. Andrew’s witness touched St. Peter so deeply, that when Christ came to their boats and invited them to follow him in the Gospel of St. Matthew, they dropped their nets without hesitation. Once that decision was made, there was no turning back. Their faith is admirable and it’s all thanks to St. Andrew’s initial witness.

The passage is very simple, but there is incredible beauty in their obedience and trust in the Lord when he tells them, “Come after me.”

God’s transforming power is on full display in the calling of Saints Andrew, Peter, James, and John. They started as simple, humble fishermen who toiled every day on the Sea of Galilee as their fathers did, and likely as their fathers did before them. But the Lord called them to a deeper purpose and made them a promise that they will become, “fishers of men.” He called them to become instruments through which God would gather people into himself.

It was a call that Saint Andrew carried with him through present day Turkey and Russia. In the end, like Saint Peter, he was arrested and crucified, but refused to die in the same way that the Lord had died. Saint Peter was crucified upside down. Saint Andrew was crucified on an X- shaped cross.

Let’s ponder Saint Andrew’s life and how we can imitate him. As a Christian, you know in the depths of your soul that Jesus is the Messiah, the one who comes to save. Who has given you a profound witness to the power of Christ that left you inspired to follow him? How willing are you to share the truth of Christ with those whom you love?

Saint Andrew, the Apostle. Pray for us.

Hannah Crites is a native to Denver Colorado and graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville. She has written for numerous publications and blogs including the Chastity Project, Washington Times, Faith & Culture: The Journal of the Augustine Institute, and Franciscan Magazine. She is currently working in content and digital marketing for a small web development and digital marketing agency. Connect with her through Twitter (@hannah_crites) and Facebook. Check out more of what she has written here.

The Harlot and the Bride

In the first reading today, John describes the apocalyptic fall of the great city of Babylon. While there’s debate among Scripture scholars over whether John’s vision of Babylon represents Rome or Jerusalem, for my purposes here I want to focus on Babylon being identified as “the great harlot.” The harlot in Biblical imagery is the unfaithful one, the adulterer, the idolater. Harlotry, then, is the love of earthly goods to the detriment of love of God and neighbor.

In Revelation, the harlot is juxtaposed with the Bride of the Lamb. There at the end of this reading, when heaven is celebrating the destruction of Babylon, John says, “Then the angel said to me, ‘Write this: Blessed are those who have been called to the wedding feast of the Lamb.’” The Bride of the Lamb, the Bride of Christ, is the Church.

Next to Babylon’s unfaithfulness stands the Church’s faithfulness to Christ. “[The Church’s] structure is totally ordered to the holiness of Christ’s members. and holiness is measured according to the ‘great mystery’ in which the Bride responds with the gift of love to the gift of the Bridegroom” (Catechism 773). This is a reality worth pausing on. The Catechism says:

“The Church is the spotless bride of the spotless Lamb. ‘Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her.’ He has joined her with himself in an everlasting covenant and never stops caring for her as for his own body…’The two will become one flesh. This is a great mystery, and I am applying it to Christ and the Church.’ and the Lord himself says in the Gospel: ‘So they are no longer two, but one flesh.’ They are, in fact, two different persons, yet they are one in the conjugal union…(Catechism 796).

In other words, Christ and the Church are united with each other in the way that husband and wife are united. This mustn’t be trivialized. The Catechism says that married love “aims at a deeply personal unity, a unity that, beyond union in one flesh, leads to forming one heart and soul” (Catechism 1643). Thus if marriage brings together two persons and unites them so profoundly that they share one heart and soul, then the members of the Church, all who are baptized, are being united to Christ so profoundly that we share one heart and soul. This is what we call “theosis,” being transformed into the likeness of Christ, the process of becoming God (cf Catechism 460 and 2782).

However, in the situation the Church finds herself in today, it could be easy to mistake the Bride for a harlot. What could be more unfaithful to Christ than, as the Holy Father described it, “the suffering endured by many minors due to sexual abuse, the abuse of power and the abuse of conscience perpetrated by a significant number of clerics and consecrated persons”? The abusers choose power and objectification over love. The bishops who enabled the abuse chose earthly prestige over justice. What we are witnessing is the height of harlotry.

How do we, as the baptized members of the Church, find our true identity again? By turning to Mary. For “Mary goes before us all in the holiness that is the Church’s mystery as ‘the bride without spot or wrinkle.’ This is why the ‘Marian’ dimension of the Church precedes the ‘Petrine’” (Catechism 773). In other words, when the wounded and adulterous human institution falters we must turn to Mary for correction and reform. She is the “eschatological icon of the Church,” that is, “the image and beginning of the Church as it is to be perfected in the world to come” (Catechism 972). As Pope Francis says:

“‘If one member suffers, all suffer together with it’, said Saint Paul. By an attitude of prayer and penance, we will become attuned as individuals and as a community to this exhortation, so that we may grow in the gift of compassion, in justice, prevention and reparation. Mary chose to stand at the foot of her Son’s cross. She did so unhesitatingly, standing firmly by Jesus’ side. In this way, she reveals the way she lived her entire life. When we experience the desolation caused by these ecclesial wounds, we will do well, with Mary, ‘to insist more upon prayer’, seeking to grow all the more in love and fidelity to the Church. She, the first of the disciples, teaches all of us as disciples how we are to halt before the sufferings of the innocent, without excuses or cowardice. To look to Mary is to discover the model of a true follower of Christ.”

Let us pray to Mary, the spouse of the Holy Spirit, for a new outpouring of the Spirit to empower every member of the Church to act with courage and integrity in seeking justice for the perpetrators. Let us pray to Mary, the Mother of Christ, for each of us to be instruments of healing for the many wounded. Let us pray to Mary, the Handmaid of the Father, that leaders in the Church will have the humility to willingly give up their idolatry to earthly authority. Let us pray to Mary that the harlotry in the Church will be cast down so that we may all cry “Alleluia! Salvation, glory, and might belong to our God, for true and just are his judgments.”

Paul Fahey is a husband, father, and a parish director of religious education. He can be found at his website, Rejoice and be Glad: Catholicism in the Pope Francis Generation.

Remain Faithful

“To suffer and to be despised — what bitterness, but what glory!”
-St. Therese of Lisieux

Being Catholic is not easy; following the way of Christ is not easy. But if we think about it, Jesus never said it would be, He only said that the reward would be great.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus warns about the end of time and the trials and persecutions that will come with it. He says, “You will even be handed over by parents, brothers, relatives, and friends, and they will put some of you to death” (21:7) but we are not to lose hope because the wisdom of God will guide us. It is easy to despair and become discouraged when hearing this Gospel. After all, it does foretell a grim future. But the hope that comes with Christ’s promise is far greater and far stronger than any opposition we will face. He knows what that persecution will be like because He lived it in His Passion. But Christ also knows that by uniting our suffering to His will only bring us closer to His Eternal Kingdom. For that reason, He promises to give us “wisdom in speaking” (21:15) and that “by your perseverance, you will secure your lives” (21:19).

This Gospel is about the end times but can also be thought of in our own day and age. I often find myself at a loss for words and explanations when conversing with someone who opposes (whether it is vehement opposition or not) the Catholic Church and her teachings. When I reflect on those encounters I realize that often times I did not ask Christ for His guidance in the conversation. Rather, I was guided by my own emotions and, in the end, was unable to properly defend the faith. Today’s Gospel reminds us to put our entire being—thoughts, actions, emotions—into the hands of Christ in order to be guided by His infinite wisdom. When we do so, now and at the end of time, we have nothing to fear.

The Gospel acclamation sums up the Christian life: “Remain faithful until death and I will give you the crown of life”. We have nothing to lose by following Christ; we have everything to gain.

Dakota currently lives in Denver, CO, is studying for her Master’s in Spanish, and loves her job as an elementary school librarian. She is engaged to the love of her life, Ralph. In her spare time she reads, goes to breweries, and watches baseball. Dakota’s favorite saints are St. John Paul II (how could it not be?) and St. José Luis Sánchez del Río. She is passionate about her faith and considers herself blessed at any opportunity to share that faith with others.

A Firm Disposition to do the Good

“A virtue is a habitual and firm disposition to do the good. It allows the person to not only perform good acts but to give the best of himself.” CCC #1803

As I write this, it is Thanksgiving week. A time set aside in our country for reflection and gratitude. You would think that it would be a peaceful time, with joy-filled family celebrations and goodwill being spread from friend to friend.

Yet, we hear (or experience first hand!) the tales of families for whom proximity brings tension or where the tension is so great that proximity to those we think should know and love us best is no longer an option. On the day set aside to remember how grateful we are for all we have, the advertising/media machine is going full tilt convincing us of stuff we still have to have and how we need to get a better deal on our stuff than our neighbor. This doesn’t exactly set the stage for a firm disposition to do the good, perform good acts or give the best of our selves.

It is in this context of the knowledge that we should be grateful but we are caught up in the stress and desire for what we don’t really need that we receive today’s readings with their predictions of the rough times to come before Jesus reappears. Jesus tells us straight out, a lot of crazy stuff is going to happen. It is going to be scary and people are going to try to deceive us, they will even try to convince us that He sent them. Don’t buy it! (Pun intended.)

So what are we to do? How do we keep putting one foot in front of the other and facing each new challenge when it just seems so hard to maintain our focus much less develop good habits?

The Holy Spirit gives us the gift of knowledge. If we rest on that gift and seek to know Jesus, we will receive the gift of understanding what he has taught us. We love him first, over anything else. We love our neighbor. Jesus gives us in the example of how he lived the understanding that love isn’t just words, it isn’t enough to just sing carols of peace and love. We are called to roll up our sleeves and work for it.

It takes the virtue of patience to ignore the siren call of this world to satisfy all our needs now and to wait on Jesus. Yet, that is exactly what Jesus is calling us to do in Luke. “Do not be terrified; for such things must happen first, but it will not immediately be the end.” We have to wait for His end. It takes patience to continue to follow His example when those who follow their own path seem to be the ones prospering. It takes a firm determination to not be distracted by those who offer shortcuts. We have to make a habit of being in prayer to stay connected to the one who “rules the world with justice and his people with constancy.” We need to routinely immerse ourselves in His word so that we have the confidence that “He has made the world firm, not to be moved.”

So I wish you patience this holiday season. Patience with those around us who are caught up in the world. Patience with yourselves as you discern how to best prepare for celebrating Jesus’s birth. Patience with God as He gives you all you need in His own time so that you are able to give back the best of yourself.

Sheryl O’Connor is happiest in her role as wife to Tom. Together, they are discerning Tom’s call to the Diaconate and he is in his Aspirancy year with the Diocese of Kalamazoo. She splits her time between Holy Family Healthcare where she is the Director of Strong Families Programs and her parish collaborative where she is the Director of Youth Evangelization.

Spirit of Giving

Today’s Gospel is short and sweet and yet beautiful deep and reflective.

“He said, ‘I tell you truly, this poor widow put in more than all the rest; for those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood.’”

We often hear this passage when urged to give alms to the Church or to the poor. Some people may even resent this passage for that exact reason. They may say, “What if I don’t have anything to give?” Whether we believe it or not, we all have something to give to the Lord.

Just over two weeks ago at Mass on November 11, we heard Mark’s version of this same Gospel (Mk 12:41-44). In honor of that passage, I had arranged that Sunday to be “service project day” for my parish’s youth ministry program. Like the poor widow who offered all that she had to the treasury, we were going to offer our livelihood as only teenagers could – by giving of their extremely precious and limited free time to serve the less fortunate.

I had big plans for this service project day. Initially, we were going to rake leaves at the cemetery on our church’s property in honor of November being the month for remembrance of the dead. We were going to open with the Divine Mercy Chaplet, do a small teaching on the importance of service in discipleship and offer Confessions so that the teens could obtain an indulgence for their service. It was one of my favorite service projects I did as a youth group teen so I was excited to bring it back for my current group.

True to form in youth ministry, I had to adapt and went through a couple of different versions of the plan before finally settling on a new service project idea, one that didn’t require us to brave the worsening Cleveland weather. I gave the teens two choices – we could either make thank you cards for veterans in honor of Veterans Day or start and continue making Christmas cards for nursing home residents. I saw merits to both options and left it up to the teens to decide. I wanted them to take some ownership with this service project.

To make a long story short, service project day did not go quite as I had planned and it caused a little crisis of faith as I began to doubt my ability to be an effective youth minister. That day has since offered me a lot of opportunity for reflection about the relationship between ministry and livelihood.

Nobody goes into ministry for the money. I certainly didn’t, and any youth minister, DRE, parish staff member, etc. would tell you the same in a heartbeat. Sometimes, we have to find other ways to give of our livelihood, usually through our ministry.

On that service project day, I felt like I was unable to give the teens anything. I was questioning, doubting and a little upset – not good qualities you want to bring into any ministry setting. As I sit back now and reflect, I gave more of myself, my livelihood, than I realized. Being simply present to the teens that day after a long Saturday at work. Staying up until 1 am the night before to cook lunch to feed them at youth group. Being able to have more personal conversations with the teens that did show up. And more little things I probably don’t realize. I hope and pray that giving out of the poverty of my spirit that day was enough for the teens.

What I hope you take from this reflection is that there are many other ways to offer our livelihood following in the spirit of the poor widow. Especially in this upcoming season of Advent, we are told to prepare for the coming of the Lord through prayer, fasting and almsgiving, just like the season of Lent. Even if you cannot make monetary donations, I urge you to make room for the Lord in your heart by giving of your livelihood in a different way.

Erin is a Parma Heights, Ohio, native and a 2016 graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville. She uses her communication arts degree in a couple of different ways: first, as an Athletic Communications Assistant at Baldwin Wallace University and, secondly, as a youth minister at her home parish of Holy Family Church. Although both of her jobs are on complete opposite spectrums, she truly enjoys being able to span the realm of communications. You can follow her on multiple Twitter accounts – @erinmadden2016 (personal), @bwathletics (work) and @HFVision (youth ministry).

Living in Love

Is there anything better?

 My fiancé and I have been engaged for about four months and we are thrilled!

We’ve both seen the fruits of the Spirit as we grew in our “dating” relationship (i.e. courtship) and even more as we further prepare to build a life together.

While we were dating, we were a two and a half car ride away from each other, so visits were only on weekends or holidays.

After we got engaged, she moved closer to me. We are now only thirty minutes apart from each other. If we really miss each other or have a bad day, we don’t have to rely on a pixelated Facetime call; I go drive to her and eat some ice cream.

Is there anything better?

I don’t know… things are prrrrrretty great. But it’s hard to fathom and easy to forget that we have an even greater treasure awaiting us: Holy Matrimony!

We will share a home. On lazy weekend mornings, I can make her my signature pancakes (which are basically just regular pancakes, but with approximated 10-zillion chocolate chips). We can put our feet up by the fireplace as the kindling warms us at the end of an autumn week. We can suffer the misfortune of novice cooking… together.

Is there anything better?

 No. To my best knowledge, I would say no. In light of my new perspective on Eros, I understand the Sadducees to be asking Christ: “Who will receive the promise for the greatest joy of the human experience?”

And He explains how “those who are deemed worthy to attain to the coming age and to the resurrection of the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage.” –Luke 20:35

But as I read the passage a few more times, the lines that I keep coming back to are: “They can no longer die” “and he is not God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.” –Luke 20: 36, 38

Living and growing in relationship with Emily, that is what it feels like to be in Love, completely alive.

Love awakens a part of you that no other force can; Love brings you to life.

 I can’t imagine a greater love than I have with my fiancé. In fact, I would be indignant if someone said I would have to be without her.

But for as alive as I feel because of our relationship, I know it is only a glimpse, barely a taste of the immersive Love that is promised in heaven.

 Is there anything better?

During the week, Matthew Juliano is a mentor for individuals who have developmental and intellectual disabilities. He has started a Youtube Series that explains and raises awareness about the work he does, which can be found HERE. On the weekends, he is a drummer for Full Armor Band. You can find more content by Matt and his band at

Simplicity like St. Francis

I wonder how many of you are spending today much as I have before. Ah, yes, the simultaneously boring and thrilling adventures of Black Friday shopping. I would be lying if I said that I have only bought gifts for others. There I would be, rushing around the store, trying to find the best deal on the new (insert techie gadget here). It wasn’t until this past year that what I have been working on is being conscious of what I have and being humble about the things I bring into my home and life. Luckily, I have two great role models to look up to St. Francis of Assisi and my mother.

Just about everyone knows St. Francis of Assisi and his story. He talked to animals and chose to be poor, right? The son of a wealthy merchant, worldly pleasures, realization, conversion, preaching, and something about living in the woods. Call me a sorry Catholic, but that’s about all I knew about him until a year or two ago. It took me 22 years before deciding to actually want to learn about my faith. The deeper I dive, the more I am enthralled by St. Francis of Assisi’s simplistic, Catholic outlook on life and want to follow in his footsteps.  

On “holidays” like today, I focus on St. Francis and how he rejected worldly pleasures, something I am trying so hard to do in a materialistic society. We are being bombarded with as many as 5,000 advertisements a day so that it can be increasingly difficult. We not only have to fight the urge to buy everything, but we also have to come to terms with the fact that not having, or even wanting, the newest thing can brand us as a loser or poor, regardless of facts.

My mother is a successful businesswoman, yet it is rare that she ever buys something for herself. Other than food and necessary clothes, I can’t even remember the last time she bought something for herself. Most of her jewelry came from either my father or her children, her purses are Christmas gifts, and how does she do it?

She is happy with and proud of what she has. Her joy is placed in her faith, her family and her work. Her joy is not in the things she has bought and owned, but the things she has created out of love and time. (Yes, it’s okay to find love and joy in your work.) She does not care what others think of her because she knows that our belongings should not dictate if we are popular or rich, but should instead answer the question of where our priority lies.

So yes, society tells us that today should be about buying things, but are they things you truly need? In fact, ask God. God, how could my time be better spent with friends or family? God, how could my money be better spent? God, how could my money be better donated? God (and dare I say it) how could my money be better saved? Finally, God, help me be humble in my choices, charitable in my actions, and strong in my will.  

These are all mini-prayers we should be asking ourselves each time we go to buy something, not just today, but every day.

Veronica Alvarado is a born and raised Texan currently living in Michigan. Since graduating from Texas A&M University, Veronica has published various articles in the Catholic Diocese of Austin’s official newspaper, the Catholic Spirit, and other local publications. She now works as the Content Specialist in Diocesan’s Web Department.

Gratitude is the Memory of the Heart

“Gratitude is the memory of the heart,” an old French proverb by Jean-Baptiste Massieu.

What a fitting thought for today, Thanksgiving Day, when all of the Scripture readings center on thankfulness and giving glory to God.

I know we’ve all heard, many times, that we should be thankful and show gratitude throughout our lives. Whether it is as simple as “thank you” for a gift received or as dramatic as the heartfelt prayer when a miracle has happened in our lives, both can be emotional experiences. And, I dare say, would impress themselves on our hearts in memory, to be often recalled for someone’s kindness, or in God’s goodness to us.

Let’s look at gratitude differently today. I know, you will be saying prayers of thanks at your table feast, and may even go around the table, each person saying that for which they are thankful. And that is a good thing, always. But what about the gratitude that is impressed on the heart, the “memory” of God, if you will? Do you believe that God is grateful for you? Do you believe that God is thankful that he created you, no matter who you are? Better yet, can you believe that God is thankful for your existence?

I won’t answer that question for you. Instead, I challenge you to ponder it today as you celebrate with family and friends. The simple concept of God being grateful for us. I am in no way suggesting that your gratitude to God for the good things in your life should be set aside, and you no longer need to praise God, but rather as an exercise in understanding his love for all of his creation. Because when you do this, you will realize that it is not just us who have simple, but good lives with family and friends around us, but rather, his love must also be realized by those who do not have the pleasures of family or a place to celebrate today. Regardless of where we are in this world, God will be grateful for having made us because the memory of us, impressed on his heart, cannot be denied. Should you need a visual reminder of this, think only of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so full and burning with love for us because his Father created us, and their capacity for love knows no bounds. No matter who you are, you have a cherished place in this world. You reside on God’s heart.

“Every day will I bless you, and I will praise your name forever and ever. Great is the LORD and highly to be praised; his greatness is unsearchable.”

-Psalm 145: 2-3

Jeanne Penoyar, an Accounts Manager here at Diocesan, is currently a Lector at St. Anthony of Padua parish in Grand Rapids, MI. While at St. Thomas the Apostle, Grand Rapids, Jeanne was a Lector, Cantor, Coordinator of Special Liturgies, Coordinator of lectors and, at one time, chair of the Liturgy Commission. In a past life, secretary/bookkeeper at the Basilica of St. Adalbert where she ran the RCIA program for the Steepletown parishes. And she loves to write! When relaxing, she likes reading and word puzzles. You can contact her at

Called To Give Our Talent

Today is the Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the First Reading, we hear this descriptive vision that St. John experienced Heaven. He writes about these visions in detail as the Holy Spirit speaks through him for the Book of Revelation.

Embarrassingly, I read the First Reading from Revelation multiple times. I shouldn’t even be embarrassed because this book of Scripture is CRAZY! You’ll probably have to reread it too! No matter how strange or drastic these visions are, it shows us that Heaven is even grander than our childhood dreams and imaginations. Heaven is more than cotton candy clouds and all the ice cream you could have ever imagined. I had a pretty serious appetite as a child, but c’mon who doesn’t like cotton candy and ice cream?

St. John expresses the moment as being caught up in the Spirit as he encounters a beaming throne. Lights and thunder are caught up in this place, torches burn, crystals flicker. He describes a new creature present in his sight. A creature with five eyes in the front and back, which looks like a half man-half animal monster. They all have wings and sing around the throne praising, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty!”

I love giving students scripture verses like this. It’s always comical to me as they discover the fact that angels, do not look like regular humans with wings. It’s a misconception in our Christian culture that man becomes an “angel” when he dies. This is a common mistake due to the fact that saying someone is in Heaven as an angel can be a more comforting response for those who are grieving. I find it entertaining to give them a list of Scripture verses that show different situations with angels. Almost all encounters in the Bible that include human beings and angels usually start with fear. The humans are almost ALWAYS terrified. The angel is either begging them not to be scared or the story already states that they are fearful. Automatically we realize, these angels must not look too pleasant. They must look different than cartoons and movies we are used to.

Angels are completely different creatures than humans and animals.  Pure souls which include intellect and will, just like humans. They cannot die and they cannot recreate. Their duty is to be messengers of God! St. John describes them in detail. We know that they are giving glory and honor to God who sits on the throne. They praise Him for Who He is the Creator of all creation, Goodness, Beauty, and Truth.

As I go on to read and reflect on the Gospel of this day, I was a bit confused with the pairing. Really? The Parable of Talents? I was not expecting that to come after this letter from John. If you pay close attention, Luke starts this Gospel with the understanding that people at this moment “thought that the Kingdom of God would appear there immediately.” I love that, they thought it was going to be immediate! Of course, if I was in the presence of Christ Himself, I may have thought that too. From this thought of the people, Jesus starts to tell them a parable. He specifically tells the story of the Parable of Talents, a master gives his servants a different amount of talents, which were equivalent to money back then. He goes away for a while and comes back to find that the first and second servants have duplicated or increased their talents during his absence. The third servant had nothing new to give, but the old coin back. He was scared to lose it, scared to take the risk. He was condemned by his master.

What does this story mean? Well, God wants us to use our talents, maybe that means financially or giftedness. Maybe it means that he wants us to strive in our efforts to give to others and love the people around us. Maybe he just doesn’t want us to waste what He has given. He doesn’t want His children to be lazy or doubting their abilities.

What an amazing Father… He believes He’s given us more than enough for what we are to do. He has given us blessings, gifts, and the talent to start our journeys. Coincidentally, my 8th-grade class has been given a Grant Challenge. Thanks to Ohio Catholic Credit Union, the students were given five hundred dollars- yes, the class was silent as the man from OHCU pulled out the stacks of money. They were quieter than I expected, maybe they were excited or maybe they were scared. I’m not sure, but the money was given as an initiative. This is a project for my oldest class to embark on their own parable of talents. They’re given this amount of talent (500 dollars worth) and Dean from OCCU will return. He will return to ask what they have done with the money and how they have created it into more using our God-given talents. Unsurprisingly, this took a lot of planning and class discussions. Finally, we decided to host a basketball tournament in hopes of raising money for a nonprofit called Kids of Cleveland. There will be nachos, Gatorade, and basketball teams from 3-8th grade. We’re allowing students to pie their teachers in the face for this great cause. Don’t worry, I suggested it because what kid doesn’t want to spend their piggy bank money on that! I see this Parable of Talents as an exciting journey. A journey of our lives. It starts at the beginning of when we are children to when we’re grown adults. Throughout our lives, we come to realize our true gifts. If you read that statement and thought, “Psh, I have no gifts.” Sorry friend, but you’re wrong and you need to ask God to help you see them. Look deeper, give yourself credit for that good parts that make you YOU.  Look at yourself now in a time of reflection for this parable…

What are your true talents? Have you been using them to serve yourself or to serve God? I hope we all want to serve God and Jesus teaches us here that Heaven is no easy-peasy place to get into! Heaven is a major GIFT. We do not expect gifts or need them, but we should be grateful and use them! What is one of your talents that you don’t give yourself credit for? Please, my friend, use this gift today in some way, shape or form. You are talented in many ways because you are created in His image and likeness. You have much to offer this world, be not afraid to use your talents. That’s the only way we can get into those pearly gorgeous gates of Heaven- and that’s the goal people! That’s the goal!

Briana is a Catholic Doctrine teacher at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel school in Cleveland, OH. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Catechetics from the Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH and is excited to use these skills to bring her students closer to Christ and His Church. “My soul has been refined and I can raise my head like a flower after a storm.” -St. Therese

Christ Has No Body But Yours

The Tuesday before Thanksgiving finds many folks in the USA preparing on multiple levels. While some are getting grocery shopping done so a feast may be readied, others are cleaning in order to welcome family and friends into their homes. I will travel to be with family this evening, as my adult children have more families and friends to visit within the upcoming days. I count myself blessed to be able to share some time with each of these special people and thank God for placing them in my life.

There are many who are not as blessed. They do not have a bed to call their own, nor do they know where or when the next meal will come. They do not have warm clothing or shelter to keep the chill of winter at bay. They may not have a family to help or the means to assist them in their current situation. They may be too proud to ask for assistance, as I myself am prone to be. They may not be aware of how to get assistance that is there for the asking. There are many who grumble that people need assistance. There are some who feel those in need haven’t done enough for themselves and that’s why they are in need.

The readings today stir all that in me. We find in the first reading those who are good, but not always aware of what’s going on around them, not having the ears to hear the Spirit. Also noted are those who are lukewarm, who do not realize they are wretched and will be spit from God’s mouth unless they repent. Lastly, the Lord tells us that he is knocking at the door. It says those who hear his voice he will join in their home and dine with them. It ends with, “Whoever has ears ought to hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”  The Gospel tells the story of Zacchaeus in the tree wanting to see Jesus and next welcoming Jesus into his home after being told by Jesus that he would be dining with Zacchaeus that evening. Those around grumbled amongst themselves, knowing the kind of person Zacchaeus was. Jesus closes with, “Today salvation has come to this house because this man too is a descendant of Abraham. For the Son of Man has come to seek and save the lost.”

Ya, so what’s your point, you ask? My point is for we who grumble, who are lukewarm. God wants us to hear His voice. He wants us to repent and do the right thing. He wants us to stop grumbling, to stop playing it safe while taking care of our immediate surroundings. We are all connected through Him: all peoples, nations, all of creation. I hear St. Teresa of Avila, Doctor of the Church saying:

Christ Has No Body

Christ has no body but yours,

No hands, no feet on earth but yours,

Yours are the eyes with which he looks

Compassion on this world,

Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,

Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.

Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,

Yours are the eyes, you are his body.

Christ has no body now but yours,

No hands, no feet on earth but yours,

Yours are the eyes with which he looks

compassion on this world.

Christ has no body now on earth but yours.

Beth Price is a Secular Franciscan (OFS) and spiritual director who has worked in several parish ministry roles during the last 20 years. She is a proud mother of 3 adult children. Beth currently works at Diocesan. You can contact her at

Have Pity On Me!

I don’t know about all of you, but sometimes I feel pretty blind… No, I don’t mean blind in the sense that I should call up my optometrist for a check-up, but in the sense that life is moving fast and I feel as though I’m missing it. I feel blind to the present moment due to the chaos that surrounds it. The workload, chores, obligations, and dreams fill my mind. You may roll your eyes and think, “Great another reflection on the present moment- like we haven’t heard that before.”

To some extent, I want to roll my eyes and state that same comment to myself. I get so exhausted from this constant challenge. The challenge to soak in every moment of the beautiful gift of life that passes. It passes by the second, minute, hour, days, and years. Before we know it, we’re done studying high school or finishing our first real job. For some of you, it means babies and grandbabies flash before your eyes. This wild thing called “life” you may wish you could slow down.

“The blind man was sitting by the roadside begging.” I don’t know why I got emotional when I read this line from the Scripture readings from today. Perhaps its the fact that I imagine this tiny, weary old man put all the effort and energy he has left, begging in the unknown. He begs in the unknown darkness because he cannot see.  He does not have the sense of sight, yet he begs. He begs to be noticed. He begs to be seen. He begs for food and shelter. He begs for love.

No one would ever guess that I feel so intimately the same as that homeless, dirty, weary old man… but I do. I feel tapped out. I feel down on the ground. I feel as though I am brought to my knees, begging. I can just imagine what it would be like for the blind man, hearing a rushing crowd and quickly asking what is happening around me.

“Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.”

In a moment, the weary blind old man uses all the strength he has left. At the sound of Jesus’ name, he knows. He knows that in this moment of blindness, he must act. He screams at the top of his lungs. He screams not in fear or anger, but in a cry of begging hope.

“Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!”

I can’t explain the way I deeply feel this beggar’s cry. I feel as though our voices are one. I cry with him in the exact bold, obnoxious, screaming at the top of my lungs type of way! I continue to do so with him as the crowd around rebukes his cry. I imagine how the people pushed him and walked in front of him, believing they’re better than him. This doesn’t stop him in his commitment to cry out to Jesus. He’s sticking it through, he’s not backing down. He wants the Lord to hear him and see him.

Finally, He comes and he speaks with us. He comes near to those who are hurting. He comes near to the ones on the outskirts, those rejected and rebuked by others. This moment is such a testament to those who are put down by others or care about others opinions.

In this case of scripture, I just adore this blind man… in case you didn’t already get that. He literally does not care about what others think of him, which can be hard to do. He doesn’t care and lets their comments and rebuking annoyance roll off him easily. He gives no time for second thoughts or doubts in his cry out to Jesus. He doesn’t take a moment to think he should stop once they asked him to. Some may think this blind man was being rude, but I think he’s being remarkably real. An authentic moment of dependence, contrition, and worth. This man is no less worthy than those who can physically see Jesus pass by the crowd. This man is no less worthy than those who shushed him down and told him to shut up.

How often do I let what others think of me affect the vigor and glory of my cry, “Jesus, Son of David have pity on me!” Let’s make that our prayer today as we seek to follow the example of this wonderfully holy, humble old, formerly blind, and miraculously cured old man.  May Jesus come and heal the blindness of our hearts as we continue to cry out to him without hesitation or fear.

Briana is a Catholic Doctrine teacher at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel school in Cleveland, OH. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Catechetics from the Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH and is excited to use these skills to bring her students closer to Christ and His Church. “My soul has been refined and I can raise my head like a flower after a storm.” -St. Therese

Remember Your Death

“But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on Earth?”

This is the question that today’s Gospel leaves us to reflect on. Jesus being Jesus, He knows if there will be faith on Earth when He returns. He knows everything. As mere mortals, we don’t. So, this question hits us with two realizations; 1. The fact that the way our world is headed, our faith may be in question. 2. The way each of our own lives are headed, our faith may be in question.

At work the other day, there were a lot of people out sick or away on work and we were joking around, saying, “What if the rapture happened and this is who is left?” Some were quick to defend themselves with a list of reasons as if they had already written an article on the subject. (Don’t we all have a laminated copy of our own, handwritten Top Twenty Reasons Why I Would Be Raptured And You Wouldn’t in our desk drawer?) Others half laughed and got a bit paranoid, pulling out their phone and checking out a news website to double check, “Just in case.”

The event clearly had some weight to it because later in the day, I needed to microwave my food and my coworker told me that I could go first. He then followed up with, “This counts as a good deed, right? I thought about it and I gotta be more ready for the rapture, haha.”

Man, don’t we all? I mean, I believe that we should live our lives with the love and dignity that Jesus died to give us, but a little bit of fear of God and the rapture wouldn’t hurt anyone. If anything, it should remind us of our reason to live, our mission as a people.

So now that we have been given our warning question, will we change our acts accordingly? We must be faithful people every day in order to be faithful when Jesus returns. This is how our faith becomes a part of who we are and not just a show we put on for others.

So let’s say the Rosary on your way into work. Pray for each person that upsets you throughout the day. Thank God for every hardship as an opportunity and every easy task as a gift. Be fully aware and active in Mass. Sing openly and honestly to our God. Share welcome words with your fellow parishioners after Mass. Take those feelings of joy and redemption with you out of Mass and into the world.

This is how He will find faith on earth.

Veronica Alvarado is a born and raised Texan currently living in Michigan. Since graduating from Texas A&M University, Veronica has published various articles in the Catholic Diocese of Austin’s official newspaper, the Catholic Spirit, and other local publications. She now works as the Content Specialist in Diocesan’s Web Department.