Guardian of the Redeemer / Guardián del Redentor

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus , Mary, and Joseph. In the Gospel we hear of Joseph’s obedience. Although Joseph never says anything in the Gospels and it is believed he died before Jesus began His public ministry, we can learn a lot about obedience, faith, and the Father’s love for us from the actions of St. Joseph. 

He is obedient to the instructions of the Lord first to flee to Egypt in order to protect his family from Herod and then, when Herod dies, to return to the land of Israel. Joseph submits entirely to the will of the Lord without question and without hesitation. What the Lord requests from Joseph is important, so important that St. John Paul II gave St. Joseph the title “Guardian of the Redeemer”. This indicates the role Joseph plays in raising Jesus and keeping Him safe until the time came for His public ministry. St. Joseph lives out his faith in our Heavenly Father by accepting the Lord’s plan for his life and, in his humility, consenting to the will of the Father. 

St. Joseph, through his love for the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus, provides us with an example of God’s love for us. St. Joseph travels great distances and goes to great lengths to protect his family. These actions are a reflection of his love for his family. He lays down his life for his family, just as Christ did for us on the cross. St. Joseph is a powerful witness of humility, obedience, and strength. He leads his family in right relation with our Heavenly Father. 

May we become like St. Joseph and entrust ourselves fully to God and His holy will. May we also look to the Holy Family as the model for our own relationships with family and with our Heavenly Father. 

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Hoy celebramos la Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José. En el Evangelio escuchamos sobre la obediencia de José. Aunque José nunca dice nada en los Evangelios y se cree que murió antes de que Jesús comenzara Su ministerio público, podemos aprender mucho sobre la obediencia, la fe y el amor del Padre hacia nosotros de las acciones de San José.

Es obediente a las instrucciones del Señor de huir primero a Egipto para proteger a su familia de Herodes y luego, cuando Herodes muera, regresar a la tierra de Israel. José se somete enteramente a la voluntad del Señor sin dudar ni vacilar. Lo que el Señor le pide a José es importante, tan importante que San Juan Pablo II le dio a San José el título de “Guardián del Redentor”. Esto indica el papel que juega José en criar a Jesús y mantenerlo a salvo hasta que llegue el momento de Su ministerio público. San José vive su fe en nuestro Padre Celestial aceptando el plan del Señor para su vida y, en su humildad, aceptando la voluntad del Padre.

San José, a través de su amor por la Santísima Virgen María y Jesús, nos da un ejemplo del amor de Dios por nosotros. San José viaja grandes distancias y hace todo lo posible para proteger a su familia. Estas acciones son un reflejo de su amor por su familia. Él da su vida por su familia, así como Cristo lo hizo por nosotros en la cruz. San José es un poderoso testigo de humildad, obediencia y fortaleza. Dirige a su familia en una relación correcta con nuestro Padre Celestial.

Que seamos como San José y nos encomendemos plenamente a Dios y a su santa voluntad. Que también miremos a la Sagrada Familia como modelo para nuestras propias relaciones con la familia y con nuestro Padre Celestial.

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Dakota lives in Denver, CO with her husband, Ralph, and their two sons, Alfie & Theophilus. She is the Dean of Enrollment Management for Bishop Machebeuf High School where her husband also teaches. You can find Dakota at the zoo or a brewery with her family or with her nose in a book at home. For more of Dakota’s writing check out

Feature Image Credit: Martha Martínez,