The Truth Of The Incarnation

“Jesus was praying in solitude.” Luke 9:18

We hear these words in the Gospel, and they can quickly fly by us like a falling leaf during the fall months, without much awareness. But these few words are so rich in there meaning. Christians believe that God is a trinity, three persons in just one God. Jesus prayed to the Father, just as we do. His human nature is such that He prays, He begs for suffering to pass, He weeps when his friend dies, He sweats blood from the pain and weight of all the sins of the world.

This mystery of the Second Person of The Trinity taking on human nature is fundamental to our salvation. St. John Paul II even says, “Through the Fact that the Word of God became flesh, the body entered theology through the main door.”

Think about this for a second. Ok now stop and actually think about it. We have a God who loves us so deeply that he takes on the form of a slave. He becomes one of us in every way except sin. Can you imagine a King who leaves his palace and lives amongst the peasants, not only to experience as they do but to help them and love them. Jesus takes this even further, He literally becomes one of us, to redeem us. That is how important we are to Him.

We can take this so far as to say that whenever we doubt the love of God, whenever we say we are not worth it, whenever we say that our sins are too many or our wounds too deep, that is as if we are standing in front of a crucifix and saying to Jesus that it was not enough. “It may have worked for others, but there is no way it could work for me, God.”

At which point Jesus looks down at us and says this is for you. If you were the only one who ever hurt me, I would become man and die just for you. I think because we have grown up hearing the story of Christ and his life, death, and resurrection, it becomes commonplace. Just like that leaf falling from the trees during the fall season. It is just something that happened. It is essential to stop, take a breath, and ground ourselves in the truth that the incarnation is a fact, that the crucifixion occurred, that it produces power in our lives, that it redeems our fallen human nature eventually to the level of divinity in heaven.

This is the joy by which we live. Have you shared it recently?

Tommy Shultz is a Solutions Evangelist for Diocesan. In that role, he is committed to coaching parishes and dioceses on authentic and effective Catholic communication. Tommy has a heart and a flair for inspiring people to live their faith every day. He has worked in various youth ministry, adult ministry, and diocesan roles. He has been a featured speaker at retreats and events across the country. His mission and drive have been especially inspired by St. John Paul II’s teachings. Tommy is blessed to be able to learn from the numerous parishes he visits and pass that experience on in his presentations. Contact him at