The Radical Call of Christ / El Llamado Radical de Cristo

“My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and they follow me” (Jn 10:27).

The Gospel Antiphon summarizes what is happening in today’s Gospel. Jesus is preaching and teaching in the Temple, at his Father’s house, and the people who are hungry for truth, open to love, and willing to believe are listening to the voice of the Shepherd. But he sees that there are those who do not respect the house of his Father, do not respect the Father he loves and whose mission he came to accomplish, so his heart is moved to “clean house.”

While many people are “hanging on his words,” there are those who cannot open their hearts to this because they fear that the personal risk is too great. (The Word of God is never a threat to what is true, but it can seem to threaten our own small ideas!) The chief priests, scribes, and leaders of the people have come to value their own status quo, their own position and authority and judgment, and they cannot listen to the words of this itinerant teacher, especially as he repeatedly points out where they are wrong! He invites them to see the truth and calls them in love to change the way they see. But they want to get him out of their way so they can continue just the way they are. They literally want him dead. And they would kill him off right away, but they cannot find a way to do it without jeopardizing their position with the people, which they need to remain just the way they are.

The humble people have nothing to lose, so they are eager to hear the Word of God, this radical call  of Love, because it is clearly spoken in love and holds promise and life and assurance and healing. Jesus’ words are the balm for their hearts and light for their souls they have been longing for.

The chief priests, scribes, and leaders of the people are in a lose-lose situation. If they let Jesus continue to preach, he will continue to point out their flaws and draw people away from esteeming them. Worse yet, people might think they believe Jesus is really the Messiah, because they are letting him proceed. But at this point, if they kill him, the people will turn on them and will no longer bow to their authority. Still, they cannot open themselves to the truth he speaks.

What about us? Do we hear some parts of the Gospel as good news and dismiss other parts because they challenge our own small ideas, our status quo? God gives us that freedom. But let’s pray today for the grace to be fully open to the radical call of Christ, particularly as it comes to us through the divine love letter of Scripture.

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“Mis ovejas escuchan mi voz, dice el Señor; yo las conozco y ellas me siguen.” (Jn 10,27).

La Aclamación antes del Evangelio resume lo que está sucediendo en el Evangelio de hoy. Jesús está predicando y enseñando en el Templo, en la casa de su Padre, y el pueblo hambriento de verdad, abierto al amor y dispuesto a creer está escuchando la voz del Pastor. Pero ve que hay personas que no respetan la casa de su Padre, no respetan al Padre que ama y cuya misión vino a cumplir, por lo que su corazón se mueve a “limpiar la casa”.

Mientras que mucha gente “estaba pendiente de sus palabras”, había los que no podían abrir su corazón a esto porque temían que el riesgo personal sea demasiado grande. (¡La Palabra de Dios nunca es una amenaza a lo que es verdadero, pero puede parecer una amenaza para nuestras pequeñas ideas!) Los sumos sacerdotes, los escribas y los jefes del pueblo han llegado a valorar su propio status quo, su propia posición y autoridad y juicio, y no pueden escuchar las palabras de este maestro itinerante, ¡especialmente cuando señala repetidamente dónde están equivocados! Los invita a ver la verdad y los llama con amor a cambiar su forma de ver. Pero quieren quitárselo de en medio para poder seguir tal como son. Literalmente lo quieren muerto. Y lo matarían de inmediato, pero no pueden encontrar la manera de hacerlo sin poner en peligro su posición con la gente, que necesitan seguir siendo como son.

Las personas humildes no tienen nada que perder, por eso están ansiosas por escuchar la Palabra de Dios, esta llamada radical de Amor, porque está claramente dicha con amor e incluye promesa y vida y seguridad y sanación. Las palabras de Jesús son el bálsamo para sus corazones y la luz para sus almas que han estado anhelando.

Los sumos sacerdotes, los escribas y los jefes del pueblo están en una situación en la que todos pierden. Si dejan que Jesús siga predicando, seguirá señalando sus defectos y alejando a la gente de su estima. Peor aún, la gente podría pensar que creen que Jesús es realmente el Mesías, porque lo están dejando proceder. Pero en este momento, si lo matan, la gente se volverá contra ellos y ya no se doblegará a su autoridad. Aún así, no pueden abrirse a la verdad que habla.

¿Y nosotros? ¿Escuchamos algunas partes del Evangelio como buenas noticias y descartamos otras partes porque retan nuestras pequeñas ideas, nuestro status quo? Dios nos da esa libertad. Pero oremos hoy por la gracia de estar completamente abiertos al llamado radical de Cristo, particularmente como nos llega a través de la carta del amor divino en las Sagradas Escrituras.

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Kathryn Mulderink, MA, is married to Robert, Station Manager for Holy Family Radio. Together they have seven children (including Father Rob), and seven grandchildren. She is President of the local community of Secular Discalced Carmelites and has published five books and many articles. Over the last 30 years, she has worked as a teacher, headmistress, catechist, Pastoral Associate, and DRE, and as a writer and voice talent for Catholic Radio. Currently, she serves the Church by writing and speaking, and by collaborating with various parishes and to lead others to encounter Christ and engage their faith. Her website is

Feature Image Credit: Timothy Eberly,